ID |
Detailed Description |
Geography |
Requesting Organization |
Date Released |
200 |
For the state of New York, what is the average farm loss at the county level. Also, what is the net loss with farms having $10k of sales? |
County Level - NY only |
03/06/09 |
201 |
Farm counts with and without government payments in selected counties in four states. |
County Level - IA, IN, OH, PA |
Missouri University |
03/12/09 |
204 |
Summary by state of farm counts for livestock, poultry, equine, camelids, bovine, aquaculture, hogs, sheep, and goats. |
State Level |
02/18/09 |
205 |
Farm counts of Christmas trees with acres and number of trees cut by trees sold. |
US Level |
National Christmas Tree Assoc. |
02/18/09 |
206 |
Number of African American farmers in Georgia by county and by size of operation. |
County Level - GA only |
EPA. |
02/19/09 |
207 |
Number of farms in Lancaster County PA with sales greater than or equal to $10k. |
County Level - PA only |
University of PA. |
02/24/09 |
208 |
Number of farms with $2500 or more of sales in Virginia - acreage, land use, etc. Also, for field crops and vegetables. |
County Level - VA only |
Virginia Tech University. |
02/25/09 |
209 |
Farm counts and acreage by State for farms with 10K acres or more. |
State Level - All of US |
Prophet Brand. |
02/25/09 |
210 |
Farm counts for farms with 10K acres or more in select counties of CA, CO, MD, and KY. |
County Level - CA,CO,MD,KY |
University of PA. |
02/25/09 |
211 |
Farm labor expenditures for crop (NAICS 111) and livestock (NAICS 112) farms showing hired and contract numbers. |
County Level - All of USA |
Dept of Labor. |
02/27/09 |
212 |
Number of African American farmers by size of farm in Alabama and Mississippi. |
County Level - AL and MS only |
EPA. |
03/03/09 |
213 |
Iowa farms with no cropland - count of livestock and farm demographics. |
State Level - IA only |
Iowa State University. |
03/05/09 |
214 |
Direct Marketing Info - subset of table 2 (Market Value), table 4 (Expenses), table 5 (Net Cash), table 6 (Govt Payments), table 7 (Income), and table 8 (Land). |
State Level - CT, ME, MA, NH, RI, and VT only |
03/09/09 |
215 |
Number of large dairy operations by category. |
State Level - All of USA |
Natsource. |
03/10/09 |
216 |
Ranking of all counties by highest total sales. |
County Level - All of USA |
02/06/09 |
217 |
Further breakdown of large dairy operations by category. See: HQ0215 above. |
State Level - AZ, CA, ID, and TX only |
Natsource. |
03/11/09 |
218 |
Number of dairy cow inventory by large herd size. For select states: AZ, CA, CO, FL, ID, IN, IA, KS, MI, NM, TX, and WA |
State Level - Selected States only |
Natsource. |
03/11/09 |
219 |
Hired labor data by NAICS 111 (Crops) and NAICS 112 (Livestock), as found in table 7. |
County Level - All of USA |
Dept. of Labor. |
03/11/09 |
220 |
Farm numbers and inventory numbers from large livestock operations. |
US Level |
03/13/09 |
221 |
Farm land owned in acres and number of farms broken out by farm operator age groups. |
US Level |
Environmental Defense Fund. |
03/20/09 |
222 |
Farm land owned and rented in acres and number of farms broken out by acres in operation. |
US Level |
Environmental Defense Fund. |
03/16/09 |
223 |
Farm tractors and trucks by acres of land. |
US Level |
Yanmar America (Diesel Engines). |
03/17/09 |
224 |
Rice grower demographics - sex, ethnicity, and race. |
US Level |
03/18/09 |
225 |
Leafy vegetable sales and acreage. |
County Level |
03/24/09 |
226 |
Subset of growers with 500+ corn/soybean acres for the states: IL, IA, MN, NE, IN, OH, SD, MO, KS, WI, ND, MI, AR. |
State Level |
Nicholson Kovac. |
04/03/09 |
227 |
American Indian farmers on and off the reservation with any agricultural activity. |
State Level |
USDA - Office of General Council. |
04/07/09 |
228 |
Farmer demographics - race, ethnicity, and sex. |
County Level |
USDA - Office of Civil Rights. |
04/03/09 |
229 |
Georgia poultry by district - layers, broilers, and pullets. |
County Level |
University of Georgia - Extension. |
04/07/09 |
230 |
The fewest number of farms accounting for exactly 50 percent of sales (or including the first farm that exceeds 50 percent of production) for grains, poultry, hogs, cattle, and dairy, 1987, 1992, 1997, 2002, 2007 |
US Level |
General Accounting Office. |
04/13/09 |
231 |
California Almond farmers demographics (race, sex, and age). |
State-Level |
California Almond Board. |
04/15/09 |
232 |
Number of farms with Specialty Crops by county - New York state only. |
County-Level |
New York State Department of Agriculture. |
04/20/09 |
233 |
Number of minority operators for each of 28 crops |
State-Level |
USDA - Agricultural Marketing Service. |
04/23/09 |
234 |
Number of all rice operators |
State-Level |
Louisiana Rice Growers. |
04/23/09 |
235 |
Number of farms that only have hired labor and only have contract labor. |
State-Level |
US Department of Labor. |
04/30/09 |
236 |
Farms by race with sales $50 to $250k. |
State-Level |
American Farm Bureau. |
05/01/09 |
--- |
Numbering System Will Change From Here To Streamline Reporting Process |
-------- |
NASS Datalab. |
6368 |
ARMS III Expense Items. 2006 and 2007 Farm Improvement Expense data. |
National and Regional Levels |
Portland Cement Association. |
08/13/08 |
7033 |
Minority tabulations for farms with specified crops in specified counties. Same as #233 above. |
State Level - various states |
USDA - Agricultural Marketing Service. |
06/10/09 |
7217 |
Farms that use pesticides with hired farm workers by NAICS codes. |
US Level |
Abt Associates. |
06/10/09 |
7239 |
Cross tabulation on farm size, value of sales, NAICS code, and age of operator. |
County Level - All states |
Nationwide Insurance. |
05/05/09 |
7257 |
Adjusted mean percent of operators total household income from farming. |
County Level - All states |
Economic Research Service - ERS. |
05/06/09 |
7267 |
Impact of proposed EPA pollution fines on Missouri farmers. |
State Level - MO Only |
05/11/09 |
7276 |
Organic farming - the number of farms (NOT sales) for Michigan and each county. |
County Level - MI Only |
Michigan State University. |
05/12/09 |
7281 |
GMO district level indications for corn and soybeans from 2000 - 2008. Ratios of the different GMO varieties to the total planted acres found in South Dakota. Data from June Area Survey. |
District Level - SD Only |
South Dakota State University. |
05/12/09 |
7308 |
Economic impact of GMO. GMO survey indications for South Dakota (1996 - 2008). |
District Level - SD Only |
South Dakota State University. |
05/19/09 |
7326 |
Arizona Dairy cattle labor demographics. |
State Level - AZ Only |
Parker Douglas Company. |
05/21/09 |
7341 |
Sales from Organically produced commodities. |
County Level - All States |
New York Times. |
05/28/09 |
7346 |
U.S. Catfish producers - farmer demographics. |
US Level - Nationwide |
New York Times. |
05/28/09 |
7355 |
Farm Debt - Farm counts on young farmers, beginning farmers, and small farmers. |
County Level - All states |
Farm Credit Council. |
05/15/09 |
7389 |
U.S. total number of operators for corn and soybean producers. |
US Level - Nationwide |
Successful Farming Magazine. |
06/01/09 |
7395 |
Maine Organic farm data. Table 62 style. |
State Level - Maine Only |
Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Assoc. |
06/18/09 |
7401 |
State level demographics information for 2007 Census dairy farms. |
State Level - All States |
Agricultural Marketing Service (USDA). |
06/11/09 |
7405 |
Georgia Layer County Rankings (top 5). |
County Level - Georgia Only |
06/12/09 |
7409 |
Aquaculture summary by HUC2 (watershed code). Number of farms and sales values |
US Level - Nationwide |
06/15/09 |
7416 |
Farm Operators by race and other filtering criteria. |
State Level - Nationwide |
American Farm Bureau. |
06/15/09 |
7421 |
Catskill & Delaware Watershed 1987-1992-1997-2002-2007 - farms, acres, cattle farms, dairy farms, expenses, and sales |
State Level - NY and Delaware Only |
John Jay College of Criminal Justice. |
04/30/09 |
7423 |
Mink farms and sales for Utah and Wisconsin. |
State Level - UT and WI only |
DSS Management Consultants. |
06/18/09 |
7425 |
Farms with 50 or more hired workers from 2007 Census. |
State Level - Nationwide |
Senator Tom Harkin - Iowa. |
06/18/09 |
7426 |
Illinois fertilizer rates for 2005 corn crop. |
State Level - IL only |
Illinois State University. |
06/18/09 |
7446 |
Value of Sales for All Specialty Crops in New York State. |
County Level - NY only |
NY State - Department of Agriculture. |
06/24/09 |
7457 |
Organic Farmer Demographics. |
US Level - Nationwide |
Natural Resources Conservation Service. |
06/25/09 |
7460 |
Number of New Farms (In business less than 10 years) and Young Farmers (under 36 years old). |
State Level - CT, MA, NH, NJ, and NY only |
First Pioneer Farm Credit. |
06/26/09 |
7549 |
Average price per acre of Land & Buildings (2002 and 2007). |
Florida - Northeast counties |
Frank Ruff, CPA. |
07/22/09 |
7554 |
Number of dairy operations by congressional district. |
Congressional District - Nationwide |
Dairy Farmers of America. |
07/17/09 |
7555 |
Farm counts and operators of family farms and partnership farms from 1982 to 2007 census years. |
National Level |
Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). |
07/16/09 |
7556 |
Number of Indian farm operations by zip code found on Indian reservations in Montana. Number of those farms with Internet access. |
Zip Code Level - Montana Only |
Department of Commerce (DOC). |
07/17/09 |
7634 |
Acreage of farms with corn and soybean crops including average size of farm. |
State-Level Nationwide |
Timber Hill Research. |
08/06/09 |
7671 |
Livestock cross-tabulation for 2007. See #2436 for 2002 data. |
State-Level Nationwide |
08/25/09 |
7680 |
Number of farm laborers by NAICS code by county. |
County-Level Nationwide |
Monitor Group. |
08/17/09 |
7681 |
Direct marketing and agri-tourism farm counts and gross sales. |
State-Level Nationwide |
Eckert Marketing. |
08/17/09 |
7732 |
Number of operations for Hog farms with 2500+ head and Dairy farms with 700+ head. |
US-Level |
Brownfield - Ag News for America. |
08/26/09 |
7733 |
All Ag counts for Navajo tribes broken out by agency, chapter house, and grazing district. |
Arizona Only |
USDA - NASS - Arizona FO. |
07/24/09 |
7791 |
2007 Farm Debt in Texas for Young, Beginning, and Small Farmers for 54 Texas counties. |
County-Level TX Only |
AgriLand, Farm Credit Services. |
09/16/09 |
7794 |
Number of farms and associated total acreage of farms and number of cattle operations. |
State-Level Nationwide |
University of Tennessee. |
09/15/09 |
7812 |
Number of operations that either had 500 or more milk cows or 1,000 or more Cattle on Feed. For all counties in the following States: Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, West Virginia, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, New York. |
County-Level Selected States |
WestWay. |
09/18/09 |
7813 |
Number of farms with large cropland acreages and state totals for the large cattle operations. |
State-Level Nationwide |
University of Tennessee. |
09/18/09 |
7844 |
Collected information on special attributes of Native American farm operators and provide it to the Office of the General Counsel. |
County-Level Nationwide |
USDA Office of General Counsel. |
09/23/09 |
7857 |
Regional median farm sizes for six regions in California. |
Regional-Level CA Only |
County of Fresno. |
09/25/09 |
7867 |
2007-2008 Expenses for Farm improvements, repairs, maintenance, and new construction. (See: #6368). ARMS III data. |
Regional-Level Nationwide |
Portland Cement Association. |
09/30/09 |
7905 |
Attributes of farms with rented land. Some demographics: farms with net gain, household income, number of days worked off farm, years on farm, age of operator, NAICS codes, percent of total land rented by sales class, etc. |
Iowa and US-Level |
Iowa State University. |
10/07/09 |
7947 |
Attributes of dairy farms in NY by farm size - acres insured, corn, soybeans, pasture,hay, etc. |
New York State Only |
New York State Dept of Agriculture and Markets. |
10/16/09 |
7951 |
Labor statistics for NY farmers and northeastern states farmers including NAICS codes, number of hired farm workers, number of operators, etc. |
Northeastern Regional-Level and NY only |
NY Center for Ag Medicine and Health. |
10/19/09 |
7952 |
Acreage harvested crossed by crop (soybeans, corn, wheat), state, and farm size, 2002 and 2007 |
State-Level |
Martron (Canada). |
11/19/09 |
8019 |
Georgia minority data - number of principle operators by race and ethnicity for all counties. |
County-Level GA Only |
Rural Development, USDA. |
10/30/09 |
8059 |
Number of farms in South Carolina with any livestock. |
County-Level SC Only |
Clemson Livestock Poultry Health. |
11/06/09 |
8060 |
95% confidence interval for cropland on all states. |
State-Level All US |
EPA. |
11/06/09 |
8071 |
Count of farms with CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) in the state of California. |
County-Level CA Only |
University of California. |
11/10/09 |
8077 |
Farm net counts of corn, soybeans, wheat, beef cows, fed cattle, dairy cows, hogs, cotton, and rice. |
US-Level All US |
Telvent DTN. |
11/12/09 |
8086 |
California farm workers from farms with more than 100 workers in 17 specific counties. |
County-Level CA Only |
Burns Consulting Associates. |
11/17/09 |
8106 |
Total money spent on contract labor and hired labor by congressional districts. |
Congressional District - NC only. |
North Carolina Farm Bureau. |
11/19/09 |
8110 |
Policy implications on socially disadvantaged farms regarding Aqua and Apples. |
County-Level CA and HI |
11/23/09 |
8170 |
Acreages for Crop Yield categories (for corn, soybeans, and winter wheat) in 2007 Census for Illinois and Iowa |
County-Level IA Only |
Kansas State University. |
12/17/09 |
8190 |
County Summary by farm topology with irrigated land in New Mexico. |
County-Level NM Only |
New Mexico State University. |
12/17/09 |
8196 |
Apple moth by operator race in Hawaii and California. |
County-Level CA and HI only |
12/08/09 |
8211 |
Number of hired workers on farms that have 10 or fewer hired workers. |
State-Level - All US |
National Institution of Safety and Health (NIOSH). |
12/30/09 |
8219 |
Number of beef cattle farms that grew wheat and the number of acres grown. Also, the number of cattle farms that grew grains and the number of acres grown. |
County-Level All US |
Syngenta. |
01/15/10 |
8230 |
Nebraska wheat farms by congressional district and associated sales. |
Congressional Districts - NE only |
01/06/10 |
8255 |
Beginning and socially disadvantaged producers. Principle operators with 10 years or less of farming. |
County-Level - All US |
Farm Service Agency. |
01/05/10 |
8262 |
Number of New York State farms with a large total sales and large dairy sales. |
State-Level NY only |
New York State Senate. |
01/12/10 |
8282 |
Number of small farms by county and by zip code. Also, the average age of those farms. |
County-Level All US |
Tango Management Consulting. |
01/13/10 |
8334 |
Value of sales sold directly to individuals for human consumption. |
GA - State Level |
University of Georgia. |
02/02/10 |
8335 |
Median value of government payments - Large Farms. |
OH - State Level |
Good Food Strategies. |
01/22/10 |
8342 |
Corn Yield Distribution from 2009 December Ag Survey. |
US & State Level |
Syngenta. |
01/22/10 |
8381 |
Number of dairy farms with milk cows and Internet access. |
All US - County Level |
Dinamica Generale (Italy). |
02/16/10 |
8382 |
Data on young, beginning, and small farmers. |
Only States: CA, KS, NV, and OK - County Level |
American Ag Credit. |
02/22/10 |
8412 |
Most all possible variables (Table 62) by NAICS. |
Total of Eight counties in San Joaquin Valley, California |
Applied Development Economics. |
05/25/10 |
8413 |
Grain storage bushels, harvested acres, corn or soybeans NAICS, without dairy. |
County level - 10 Midwestern states |
University of Wisconsin - Madison. |
05/26/10 |
8440 |
Workers and operators by worker class. |
US Level |
02/08/10 |
8457 |
African American catfish farmers in Alabama. (See also: 8464). |
AL - State Level |
Office of Civil Rights. |
02/12/10 |
8464 |
2002 & 1997 data about African American catfish farmers (similar to #8457). |
AL - State Level |
Office of Civil Rights. |
02/16/10 |
8480 |
Federal Farm Worker Assistance data. |
US & State Level |
Department of Labor. |
02/19/10 |
8486 |
New England farms with less than $750k in sales. (CT, ME, MA, NH, RI, and VT) |
State Level |
University of New Hampshire. |
02/24/10 |
8488 |
Yield brackets for December 2008 Crop Stocks Survey. |
State Level - AL only |
Syngenta. |
03/08/10 |
8496 |
Acreage from Idaho crops of farms with 500+ acres. |
ID - County Level |
Boise State University. |
02/22/10 |
8536 |
Number of workers on large dairy farms with large sales. |
State Level - NY only |
NY State Senate. |
03/01/10 |
8560 |
Farm counts within a county within a zip code (Columbia County). |
County Level - NY only |
Hawthorne Valley Farm. |
03/12/10 |
8565 |
Organic data - cross tabulations with sales for organic farms, mixed farms, and farms with livestock. |
US Level |
Environmental Work Group. |
04/09/10 |
8572 |
Farms in Chesapeake Bay Basin (farm counts on incomes, expenses, etc.). |
County Level |
World Resources Institute. |
03/05/10 |
8592 |
Arizona vegetable farms by sales class with Indian farm counts. |
State Level - AZ only |
Arizona State Inspector. |
03/10/10 |
8598 |
Attributes of women, Hispanic, and Indian in New Mexico. |
County Level - NM only |
New Mexico State University. |
03/11/10 |
8599 |
Attributes (age, race, Internet access, etc.) of bee producers from 2007 AgCensus. |
State Level - All US |
Venture Charities. |
03/19/10 |
8626 |
Attributes of Organic Farm producers such as expenses, acreage, practices, marketing info, etc. For commodities like grains, vegetables, nuts, horticulture, cattle, poultry, etc. Source: 2008 Organic Production Survey. |
US Level - All States |
Farmland LP. |
03/17/10 |
8627 |
2007 AgCensus table 56 - Operator Race by sex. |
US Level |
Chicago Theological Seminary. |
03/26/10 |
8649 |
Irrigated acres (from all crops) from 2007 AgCensus. |
County Level - All US |
03/23/10 |
8656 |
Ewe Inventory and Farm count by group size. |
State Level - 21 selected states |
04/05/10 |
8663 |
Attributes (acres, trees, sales, and farm counts) of Christmas Tree producers. |
US Level |
National Christmas Tree Association. |
03/25/10 |
8789 |
Iowa Fuel Expense Data (ARMS Survey) 2005 to 2008. |
State Level - IA Only |
Iowa State University. |
04/15/10 |
8808 |
Farm-related income on Organic Farms. |
State Level |
Organic Trade Association. |
04/29/10 |
8832 |
Natural Gas and Electricity Expenditure for 2007 (ARMS data). |
US Level |
Department of Energy. |
04/23/10 |
8841 |
Farm acreage in NAICS categories for ten counties in New York. Also, a twelve county total for acreage (1997, 2002, 2007). |
County Level - NY only |
Glynwood Center, NY. |
07/01/10 |
8859 |
Value of sales in NAICS for a combined ten county total (1997,2002,2007). Also, a twelve county total for sales. |
County Level - NY only |
Glynwood Center, NY. |
07/01/10 |
8904 |
Grain and oilseed sales for Nebraska congressional districts. |
Congressional District Level - NE only |
Nebraska Corn Board. |
05/11/10 |
9025 |
Hired workers by NAICS. |
U.S. Level |
ERG. |
06/10/10 |
9031 |
Florida Hired workers on livestock farms. |
County Level FL only |
UF Emerging Pathogens Institute. |
06/17/10 |
9041 |
Dairy farms with management-intensive grazing. |
State Level |
University of Minnesota - St. Paul. |
06/10/17 |
9059 |
Dairy cattle, sales, acres by county in Massachusetts. |
County Level MA only |
American Farmland Trust. |
06/25/10 |
9060 |
Fertilizer Prices data. |
State and Regional levels (U.S. wide) |
Montana State University. |
06/25/10 |
9082 |
Number of hired workers on Florida livestock farms for a twenty county group. (See also: #9031). |
County level FL Only |
UF Emerging Pathogens Institute. |
07/08/10 |
9122 |
Number of Nebraska farms with beef cows by herd size and by zip code. Also, Cattle on Feed farms by herd size and zip code. |
State Level NE only |
Nebraska cattlemen Assoc. |
07/15/10 |
9185 |
Labor expense for Specialty Crop farms by state. |
State Level |
Villarejo - Consultant. |
07/30/10 |
9238 |
Expenses for farm improvements, repairs, maintenance, and new construction (ARMS III data - 2008-2009) . |
Regional Level Nationwide |
Portland Cement Association. |
08/18/10 |
9281 |
Demographics on women farm operators in California. |
County Level - CA only |
University of California - DAVIS. |
08/26/10 |
9359 |
Small and Total farms, by acreage intervals, by commodity |
County Level - All US |
Tango Management Consulting. |
08/24/10 |
9360 |
Dairy farms with debt and total interest debt |
County Level - PA & WV |
AgChoice. |
09/01/10 |
9361 |
12 county - Total sales value. |
County Group - NY Only |
Glynwood. |
09/07/10 |
9378 |
Count of hogs, turkeys, and sheep, by animal count groups, by county |
County-Level All US |
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). |
11/02/10 |
9379 |
Farm counts of animal operations. |
County Level - All US |
EPA. |
09/01/10 |
9383 |
Oregon Hazelnut Farms - minority counts. |
State Level - OR Only |
09/09/10 |
9384 |
Top 27 counties in US for orchards, cabbage, cantaloupe, lettuce, and berries. |
County Level - All US |
VA FO. |
09/03/10 |
9390 |
Minority counts, by farm acreage size groups, for all counties east of the Mississippi River |
County Level - Eastern States Only |
09/15/10 |
9417 |
Small farms - by animal species, high/low sales, family/non-family/lifestyle |
County Level - All US |
Tango Management Consulting. |
09/08/10 |
9418 |
Wisconsin Fuel Expenses - ARMS3 data. |
State Level - WI Only |
Wisconsin State Government. |
09/08/10 |
9419 |
Number of fruit and vegetable farms by TVP intervals for New Hampshire. |
State Level - NH Only |
University of New Hampshire. |
09/16/10 |
9435 |
Texas organic farms -- 800 variables by years on present farm (0-5, 6-10, 11+) |
State Level - TX Only |
Texas A & M University. |
11/30/10 |
9441 |
Number of farms and number of horses on different sized horse farms in North Carolina. |
County Level - NC Only |
NC Dept of Environmental and Natural Resources. |
10/07/10 |
9450 |
Median of net cash farm income in New Mexico. |
County Level - NM Only |
University of Texas. |
10/12/10 |
9477 |
Farms, hired workers, and operators counts by NAICS codes (1997, 2002, and 2007). |
State-Level and US |
Monitor Group. |
11/15/10 |
9483 |
Farm operator characteristics (age, sex, years on farm, residence, etc.). |
State-Level and US |
Greenhorns Non-Profit Group. |
10/15/10 |
9509 |
Attributes of farms with direct sales (age, sex, race, acres, sales, typology). |
WA only and US Total |
Office of Farmland Preservation. |
11/08/10 |
9517 |
Direct sales by NAICS codes (number of farms and dollar value). |
GA only and US Total |
University of Georgia. |
10/12/10 |
9520 |
Dairy farms with Alfalfa production (See also #9527). |
State-Level and US |
Environmental Defense Fund. |
10/29/10 |
9524 |
Number of farms by sales class (2002 and 2007). |
NC - District 4 Only |
Congressman David Price (NC). |
10/29/10 |
9527 |
Dairy farms with Alfalfa production and total alfalfa production (See also #9520). |
State-Level and US |
Environmental Defense Fund. |
11/02/10 |
9528 |
Market value and Government payments by Economic class by NAICS. |
US-Level |
Abt Associates. |
11/19/10 |
9529 |
Top 27 counties in US for bell peppers and durum wheat. |
County-Level All US |
VA Field Office. |
11/02/10 |
9551 |
Farm counts of minority principle operators by farm size. |
County-Level Eastern states only |
11/16/10 |
9554 |
Farming practices and farm size of California farms with women operators. See also: 9281. |
County-Level CA Only |
University of California - DAVIS. |
11/23/10 |
9555 |
Counts of principle operators by race and sex. |
County-Level CO,KS,NE,NM,OK,SD,TX,WY states only |
11/29/10 |
9556 |
Median market value of products sold per farm in New Mexico. |
County-Level NM only |
University of Texas. |
11/30/10 |
9952 |
Livestock operations by race and size groups in Georgia. |
County-Level GA only |
University of Georgia. |
12/02/10 |
10051 |
Crop and Livestock farms by size. |
County-Level All USA |
Ag Media Research. |
12/21/10 |
10053 |
Goat inventory and farm numbers for Oklahoma and Texas by region. |
Region-Level OK and TX only |
12/15/10 |
10147 |
Arkansas Farm machinery expenses - ARMS data (2007,2008,2009) with graph. |
State-Level AR Only |
Dept. of Finance and Admin. Arkansas. |
12/21/10 |
10148 |
Dairy farms by herd size - 1997 Ag Census. |
State-Level All USA |
Informa Economics. |
12/21/10 |
10268 |
Cattle on feed inventory dot density map. |
County-Level All USA |
USDA - ARS - Texas Field Office. |
12/22/10 |
10477 |
Number of honey producing bee colonies from 1944 to 2009. |
State-Level All USA |
Self-employed CPA (California). |
12/29/10 |
10518 |
Number of farms by acreage size group in all states. |
State-Level All USA |
Gallup Organization. |
01/03/11 |
10579 |
Organic vegetable, fruit, nut, and berry sales less than $500K. (2008 Organic Production Survey data). This ticket contains part one and two of a three part request. See: ticket#11005. |
US-Level |
FDA. |
01/10/11 |
10616 |
Farm energy source expenses by NAICS codes by energy expense interval |
County-Level All US |
USDA Office of Energy Policy and New Uses. |
03/03/11 |
10672 |
Ranking of all counties in US with direct sales to consumers in 2007. |
County-Level All USA |
NH-FO. |
01/13/11 |
10861 |
Number of farms with forage acreage broken out by size for every county in US. |
County-Level All USA |
Abraham Baldwin Agriculture College. |
02/03/11 |
10863 |
Agriculture sales adjusted for inflation (1997-2007). |
US-Level |
Oregon State University. |
02/04/11 |
10891 |
Organic Production Survey - Wheat Harvested Acreage. |
State-Level All USA |
Sirrus Partners (California). |
02/09/11 |
10945 |
Number of organic farmers by race, ethnicity, and sex. |
HI State-Level and US-Level |
University of Hawaii. |
02/15/11 |
10946 |
Farm counts of livestock (cows, hogs) and crop acreage (corn, soybeans). |
US-Level |
Telvent DTN. |
02/14/11 |
11005 |
Organic Production Survey - Number of farms selling to wholesale markets (broken out by total sales size groups). See also ticket #10579. This request is part three of a three part request. |
US-Level |
FDA. |
02/11/11 |
11041 |
2010 June Area Survey - Quartiles of cropland and pasture land land values. For seven states: Kansas,
Texas, Indiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Kentucky, Wisconsin. |
State-Level - KS,TX,IN,MS,MO,KY,WI. |
02/24/11 |
11056 |
Total sales and number of workers by NAICS codes. |
Level US |
Small Business Administration. |
03/14/11 |
11064 |
CRP/WRP payments by sex by state (dollars and acres). |
State-Level All US |
Iowa State University. |
02/25/11 |
11134 |
FRIS data comparing water usage for corn, soybean, and wheat. WGP - western great plains - (states: CO,KS,NE,ND,OK,SD,TX,WY) |
US-Level and WGP |
Monsanto Company. |
03/07/11 |
11183 |
Value of sales and demographics for certain counties in Kansas. |
Counties at Group-Level in KS |
Kansas State University. |
03/15/11 |
11201 |
Illinois Farm numbers of sales values by category and by zip code. |
State-Level IL Only |
Illinois Farm Bureau. |
03/15/11 |
11216 |
2009 Census of Horticulture data on Christmas trees sold ranked by acres of production. |
County-Level NC Only |
NC Cooperative Extension. |
03/07/11 |
11304 |
Relative Standard Error for FRIS data elements (1998, 2003, and 2008). |
State-Level all US and US-Level |
University of Washington. |
03/31/11 |
11363 |
Milk and other dairy products from cows. Subset of table 40: "Farm Concentration of Market Value of Agricultural Products Sold (2007)". |
New England States Only |
Consultant to APHIS-USDA. |
03/17/11 |
11393 |
2006 ARMS III Broiler Survey - for all variables: mean, median, standard deviation, and percentiles. For Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Association (GIPSA). |
US-Level |
05/03/11 |
11503 |
Farm counts of pasture land broken out by acreage size, with fertilizer and herbicide use |
County-Level all US |
Dupont Crop Protection (Texas). |
04/15/11 |
11547 |
GIS Map of change in wheat plantings (spring & winter) 1995-2010. |
US-Level only |
North American Millers' Association (NAMA). |
04/13/11 |
11607 |
Direct sales < $500k and at least 50% of total sales. |
US-level only |
University of Pennsylvania. |
04/15/11 |
11676 |
Number of cattle operations in NY broken out by zip code. |
Zip code-level NY only |
State University of New York. |
04/26/11 |
11777 |
Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts, and vineyards data in the 1st congressional district in Minnesota. |
Congressional District MN only |
Congressional Inquiry. |
05/09/11 |
11885 |
Number of operators in US by county for each race and Hispanic origin. |
County-Level All US |
05/10/11 |
11968 |
Livestock inventory for 10 species, for operations with a large number of the species, and acres manure was applied |
County-Level All US |
EPA. |
05/13/11 |
12122 |
Cropland, Corn, Cotton, and Rice acreage by watershed district in Louisiana. |
County-Level LA Only |
NASS LA Field Office. |
05/24/11 |
12268 |
Farms counts with sales less than $500K and with direct sales for specified commodities |
US-Level |
Arizona State University (News21). |
06/06/11 |
12411 |
Farm sales by race and by county. |
County-Level All US |
AgFirst Farm Credit Bank. |
06/09/11 |
12489 |
Milk goat farm count by herd size in Texas for 2007, 2002, and 1997. |
State-Level Texas Only |
Prairie View A&M University. |
06/15/11 |
12497 |
Summary of market value of agricultural products sold (Table 59). Expand data values for farm numbers, cropland, land in farms, and irrigated land at the county level for Nebraska only. |
County-Level NE Only |
University of Nebraska. |
06/16/11 |
12592 |
Number of farms that account for 67% of market value of Ag Products Sold (like table 40). |
US-Level |
National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition. |
06/28/11 |
12974 |
Number of beef cattle in each congressional district - all states. |
Congressional District |
National Cattlemen's Beef Assoc. |
07/13/11 |
12988 |
Years on operation - across several census (1997,2002,2007). |
US-Level |
Office of Advocacy and Outreach - USDA. |
07/14/11 |
13066 |
Hogs by primary operation type, by county. |
County-Level All US |
07/18/11 |
13087 |
Oregon farm demographics (tenure, occupation, age) and direct sales, 1997, 2002, 2007 |
Selected Counties in OR & WA |
Lewis & Clark College. |
07/18/11 |
13127 |
Organic Production Survey - See tickets: 10579 and 11005 for more info. |
US-Level |
FDA. |
07/20/11 |
13182 |
Livestock inventory, sales, and acreage for medium-sized farms. |
County-Level All US |
EPA. |
08/25/11 |
13448 |
Sum of acreages for those farms with cash rents for land/buildings/grazing fees (1997,2002,2007). |
County-Level Morris County NJ Only |
Holzhauer & Holenstein, LLC. |
08/15/11 |
13626 |
Breakdown of largest sales categories in Table 2 and breakdown of largest acres categories in Table 9 of the 2007 AgCensus. for the corn states (IL,IN,IA,KS,MN,MO,NE,ND,OH,SD,TX,WI). |
State-Level (Corn States) |
Sirrus Partners. |
08/10/11 |
14072 |
Internet Usage, All Farms and Organic Farms. |
US-Level |
Purdue University. |
08/30/11 |
14177 |
Farmland owners count by race and ethnicity. |
County-Level All US |
09/02/11 |
14606 |
Farmers by Age by County in Minnesota. |
County-Level MN Only |
Southwest Initiative Foundation. |
10/04/11 |
14610 |
Value of Machinery and Equipment by NAICS. |
US-Level |
York University - Ontario Canada. |
10/14/11 |
15028 |
Table Egg Layer counts and inventory. |
State-Level All US |
FDA. |
10/12/11 |
15240 |
Number of operations (farms) and inventory (counts) of animals of farms with at least 3 species. |
State-Level All US |
New Mexico State University. |
10/25/11 |
15384 |
Land use by county (farm counts and acres). |
County-Level All US |
Vanderbilt University. |
11/03/11 |
15385 |
Nurseries under glass by county in California (farm numbers and sq. ft). |
County-Level CA Only |
ICF International. |
11/03/11 |
15473 |
Production of fruits and vegetables for a 9-county total in New York State. (Chemung, Genesee, Livingston, Monroe, Ontario, Orleans, Steuben, Wyoming, Yates
). Number of farms and acres for harvested, processing, and fresh market. |
Nine County Total for NY Only |
Cornell University. |
11/08/11 |
15476 |
Labor by County and NAICS. Number of farms, operators, workers, and expenses. |
County-Level All US |
Exceed Analysis - Canada. |
11/08/11 |
15534 |
Animal Feeding Operations by county in six states: DE,MA,NY,PA,VA,WV. |
County-Level Six States Only |
EPA. |
11/14/11 |
15617 |
Young, New, Minority farmers - sales by county in Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington |
County-Level OR + ID Only |
Northwest Farm Credit Services. |
11/18/11 |
15663 |
Count of large farms across the USA for 2007. |
US-Level |
Telvent DTN. |
11/29/11 |
15677 |
Farm and operator demographics by 'Years on Present Farm' for Massachusetts farmers by county and state for 1997 AgCensus. A list of demographics include: number of operators, sex of operators, primary occupation, days worked off farm, age group, average age, and race. |
County-Level MA Only |
12/13/11 |
16550 |
2007 Western Colorado Land Acreage Aggregate Totals (for 29 counties: Alamosa, Archuleta, Chaffee, Conejos, Costilla, Delta, Dolores, Eagle, Garfield, Grand, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Jackson, Lake, La Plata, Mesa, Mineral, Moffat, Montezuma, Montrose, Ouray, Pitkin, Rio Blanco, Rio Grande, Routt, Saguache, San Juan, San Miguel, Summit). Land categories: cropland, pasture, woodland, etc. |
County Group-Level CO Only |
02/07/12 |
16614 |
2007 AgCensus Congressional District profiles in spreadsheet form. Note: see #21911 for 2002 profile in spreadsheet form. |
Congressional District-Level All US |
Informa Economics, Inc. |
02/06/12 |
16758 |
2010 ARMS III Seed and Plant Expenses for California. Also an aggregate of the western states (CA,CO,ID,MO,NV,NM,OR,UT,WA,WY). |
State-Level CA only and Western Region. |
Farm Reach. |
02/15/12 |
16798 |
2007 AgCensus Organic Farm count in Northeast US by county and farm size. |
County-Level (NJ,NY,PA,ME,NH,VT,MA,RI,CT) Only |
02/16/12 |
16984 |
Maple Syrup on farms, labor, and taps. |
State-Level All US |
International Maple Syrup Institute. |
03/07/12 |
16995 |
Number of hired labor on Wisconsin dairy farms - 1997 to 2007. |
State-Level WI Only |
03/02/12 |
17352 |
Number of workers by NAICS by congressional district. |
Congressional District-Level All US |
ICF International. |
03/30/12 |
17451 |
California production expenses and net cash farm income for select commodities. |
County-Level CA Only |
California Air Resources Board. |
03/28/12 |
17460 |
Number of farms with 10 or more workers by NAICS 111 (Crop) and NAICS 112 (Animal). |
State-Level All US |
Eastern Research Group, Inc. |
03/30/12 |
17499 |
Livestock and Farming (Sales and Expenses). NAICS 112111 and 1124. Also, data on labor and livestock inventories. |
County-Level All US |
US Bureau of Land Management (BLM). |
05/30/12 |
17660 |
Horse inventory and number sold in Morris and Somerset counties of New Jersey. |
County-Level NJ Only |
Great Swamp Watershed Association. |
04/12/12 |
17671 |
New York dairy (acres, number of head, sales, number of farms) by county in 1992. |
County-Level NY Only |
Yale University. |
04/13/12 |
17820 |
1997 - 2007 Crop by size groups. This includes the following commodities: Barley, Corn, Sorghum, Wheat, and Oilseeds (Canola, Soybean, and Sunflower) |
State-Level All US |
Pioneer hi-Bred International. |
05/31/12 |
18098 |
Organic farms in CA, IN, ME, and OH. Subset of tables 2, 29, and 46. Total sales, Land use, and Farm demographics are covered. |
County-Level for CA IN ME OH Only |
Purdue University. |
06/11/12 |
18398 |
2007 Livestock Data (Hogs, cattle, goats, and sheep) by operator age groups. Also, the number of women goat farm primary operators in 1997 and 2007. |
US-Level US Total |
05/24/12 |
18481 |
New Jersey County Profiles - breakdown. |
County-Level NJ Only |
07/19/12 |
18490 |
2007 and 2002 farm counts of combinations of cotton, corn, and soybeans acreage by state. |
State-Level All US |
Pioneer Hi-Bred International. |
06/25/12 |
18782 |
Specialty Crops with dairy farms. Number of farms with woman primary operators and Hispanic operators. Other demographics concerning dairy farms in Washington. |
State-Level WA Only |
Washington State Dept. of Agriculture. |
06/13/12 |
18896 |
Livestock with Corn or Soybean. A percentage of livestock farms that also grew corn or soybean. A breakout of individual livestock commodities, (cattle, hogs, sheep, goats, poultry, horses, and mules). |
State-Level All USA |
Osborn + Barr Communications. |
06/21/12 |
19021 |
Farms, forage land, and cattle for 23 states (AL, CT, DE, FL, GA, KY, MA, MD, ME, MS, NC, NH, NJ, NY, OH, PA, PR, RI, SC, TN, VA, VT, WV) . |
County-Level Selected States |
08/27/12 |
19201 |
2008 FRIS (Farm and Ranch Irrigation Survey) data. Off-farm water - farm counts, cost, and acre-feet. At the state level and the water regional level. |
State-Level All USA |
University of Arkansas. |
09/11/12 |
19520 |
Soybean and corn farms - NAICS counts by county - 1992 to 2007 |
County-Level All USA |
Bangor University UK. |
08/16/12 |
19531 |
Pennsylvania Vegetable, Fruit and Berry Farms, demographics, percent income from agriculture, top 10 counties for sales and for acreage, 2002 and 2007 |
County-Level PA Only |
AgChoice Farm Credit. |
08/09/12 |
19685 |
Number of farm operators by state that are 80 years old or older. All of USA has 119,075 primary farm operators that are 80 years old or older. 2007 Ag Census. |
State-Level All USA |
Bloomberg. |
08/10/12 |
19733 |
2007 Iowa Breeding Hogs - Farrow to Finish, Farrow to Wean (farm number and inventory). |
State-Level IA Only |
Iowa Pork Industry Center. |
08/28/12 |
19758 |
Corn and Soy GMO 3 year average total acreage in district 80 of Maryland. |
District-Level MD Only |
Potomac River Association. |
08/15/12 |
19822 |
Farm numbers, acres, number of workers, by size of farm and NAICS in seven counties from Washington State (Grant, Island, Lewis, Okanogan, Skagit, Thurston and Yakima) and three counties in California (San Luis Obispo, Santa Cruz, and Sonoma). |
County-Level CA and WA Only |
Washington State University. |
08/30/12 |
20053 |
California total sales by farm size for the county of San Luis Obispo. |
County-Level CA Only |
Agricultural Sustainable Institute. |
09/14/12 |
20124 |
Acres applied with chemicals, value of land, cropland acres, by operation acres size brackets |
County-Level All USA |
Equipment Technologies. |
10/17/12 |
20311 |
Number of Hispanic farms by county, 1997, 2002, 2007 |
County-Level All USA |
09/28/12 |
20443 |
Number of tractors (100+ HP) in USA by NAICS 111 for 1997, 2002, and 2007 broken down by farm size and age groups. |
US-Level All USA |
Vertical Research Partners. |
11/07/12 |
20516 |
2008 FRIS - Pumping capacity and operating pressure by state. |
State-Level All USA |
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. |
10/22/12 |
20527 |
Farm count for operations with 50 or more wheat acres in the Pacific Northwest by specified county in Oregon, Idaho, and Washington states. |
County-Level OR, ID, and WA |
University of Idaho. |
10/25/12 |
20561 |
New York State dairy farm count by zip code. |
Zip Code-Level NY Only |
New York Dept. of Agriculture. |
10/29/12 |
20575 |
U.S. 2002 Farm Fuel Expenses (ARMS data). |
US-Level All USA |
Texas A&M University. |
10/31/12 |
20589 |
Farm Improvement Expense, Repair, and Maintenance 2010-2011 (ARMS data). |
US-Level All USA |
Portland Cement Association. |
11/01/12 |
20610 |
2007 Farm hired labor by NAICS for Michigan and Oregon states only. |
County-Level MI and OR Only |
Larson Assistance Services. |
11/05/12 |
20647 |
U.S. 2002 Farm Fuel Expenses by NAICS (Crops and Livestock) (ARMS data). |
US-Level All USA |
Texas A&M University. |
11/06/12 |
20887 |
Value of land and buildings 1992 to 2007. Included values are total acres and average cost per acre. |
County-Level IL,IN,IA,MO, and OH States Only |
American University. |
12/04/12 |
20904 |
Corn stalks count per acre for years from 1964 to 2011. States in corn belt included: IL,IN,IA,KS,MN,MO,NE,OH,SD,WI and US total. |
State-Level Corn Belt States |
Monsanto Company. |
12/03/12 |
20907 |
Dairy farm count by herd size group. Group sizes: small(1-199), medium(200-699), and large(700+). |
State-Level All USA |
University of Georgia. |
12/03/12 |
21359 |
2011 ARMS data for fuel production expenditure sub-components (diesel, gasoline, LP gas, and other fuels) by economic class, type of farm, and region. |
State-Level All USA |
Distributive Power Generation, Inc. |
01/29/13 |
21362 |
2011 ARMS data for Arkansas fuel production expenditure sub-components (diesel, gasoline, LP gas, and other fuels) by type of farm (crop, livestock). |
State-Level AR Only |
State of Arkansas - DFA. |
01/29/13 |
21526 |
Acres harvested for listed crops in Niagara and Erie counties NY. |
County-Level NY Only |
New York State University. |
02/19/13 |
21703 |
All rented acres by county and operations with cash rent expense by county. Similar to tabulation #13448. |
County-Level All USA |
03/01/13 |
21801 |
North Carolina hired farm labor by size category for NAICS 1122 and for any farm with hogs and pig inventory. Data at the state and county levels. |
County-Level NC Only |
Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. |
03/15/13 |
21905 |
The data for the 2007 Census of Agriculture County Highlights for Women on Farms (PDF file). This special tabulation is for Greene County Tennessee only. The highlights were converted to spreadsheet form. |
County-Level TN Only |
University of Iowa. |
03/27/13 |
21911 |
2002 Congressional District profile data converted to spreadsheet form. See: #16614 for a copy of the 2007 congr. distr. profile in spreadsheet form. |
Congressional District Level All USA |
University of North Carolina. |
04/02/13 |
22042 |
Farms with fruit/vegetables, farms with livestock, each by sales brackets, each by acreage brackets, giving farm counts and sales, for all California counties in 2007 |
County-Level CA Only |
Farms Reach. |
04/18/13 |
22046 |
Southeast US irrigated acres in 2007, 2002, and 1997 for peanuts, corn, cotton, soybeans, wheat, sugarcane, and sorghum. |
County-Level AL, FL, GA, NC, and SC Only |
Clemson University. |
04/18/13 |
22116 |
2007 number of farms with livestock, fruit/veg acreage of less than 1,000 acres for all counties in California. |
County-Level CA Only |
Farms Reach. |
04/24/13 |
22125 |
2007 number of farms with over 2,000 acres by NAICS and some counties in New York. Counties: Albany, Columbia, Dutchess, Orange, Rennsalaer, Saratoga, Ulster, and Washington. Also, two add on requests for farms with over 180 acres and farms with over 500 acres in states of MD,NY,PA. |
County-Level NY Only |
Global Green. |
04/25/13 |
22153 |
Market value by type of organization for 1992, 2002, and 2007. |
County-Level All USA |
Bard College. |
04/29/13 |
22349 |
2007 New Jersey NAICS and Economic Class by 'Land in Farms' which includes number of farms and acreage. |
State-Level NJ Only |
NJ Dept of Agriculture. |
04/18/13 |
22452 |
2008 FRIS - same as table 30 but with state level numbers - crops irrigated and harvested by distribution. |
State-Level All USA |
McGill University - Canada. |
05/29/13 |
22590 |
2011 Organic Apples, Pears, Berries for an aggregate total of states in the northeast and another group on the east coast (acreage and sales). From the 2011 Certified Organic Production Survey (April 2012). Northeast: VT, ME, MA, CT, NH, RI, NY, NJ, PA **** East of MS River: (Northeast states and) AL, DE, FL, GA, IL, IN, MD, KY, MI, MS, NC, OH, SC, TN, VA, WV, WI. |
Regional-Level |
Red Tomato - Plainville, MA. |
06/12/13 |
22592 |
2007 Alfalfa acres (irrigated and non-irrigated), farm counts, and yield in tons.
Farms reporting alfalfa for dry hay and no haylage or greenchop from alfalfa and no alfalfa seed and having 20 or fewer cattle. |
State-Level and US |
04/18/12 |
22632 |
Cropland farm counts, acres, sales, income, and demographics, by corn soybeans and wheat, for the states of Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio |
County-Level IN, MI, and OH only |
Ohio State University. |
06/17/13 |
22757 |
Weekly Topsoil Moisture data starting in June 2013. |
State-Level |
BTG Pactual - Geneva. |
07/02/13 |
22906 |
GM corn percentage of planted in Arkansas. A 5 year average (2009-2013). |
State-Level AR only |
University of Arkansas. |
07/22/13 |
22999 |
Farms by Market Value for Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington. This is similar to Table 3 "Farms by Market Value of Agricultural Products Sold" with categories for '$5M to $20M' and '$20M+'. |
State-Level AK, ID, MT, OR, and WA only |
Northwest Farm Credit. |
08/27/13 |
23011 |
2007 Congressional district number of farms and operators. |
Congressional District-Level All states |
Washington Post. |
08/01/13 |
23155 |
Number of farms by acreage size groups for 1997 and 2002. |
Zip code-Level FL only |
University of Florida. |
08/27/13 |
23158 |
2007 Honey production in pounds on farms with organic acreage. Also, farm counts of operations with honey prod. and organic acreage (at state-level). |
US-Level |
08/29/13 |
23160 |
2007 Farm counts by economic class and acreage group for 10 counties in California. Also, a bar chart showing the percentage representation of farms, acres, and sales broken down by economic class for 2007 California Vegetable Production. |
County-Level CA only |
Los Angeles Food Policy Council. |
09/23/13 |
23161 |
Percentage of Latino citrus farms in California with farm counts for 1997, 2002, and 2007. |
State-Level CA only and USA total |
University of Texas. |
09/10/13 |
23162 |
ARMS 2 Fertilizer data - percent of growers that apply fertilizer by commodity by state. |
State-Level All US |
09/10/13 |
23163 |
ARMS II 2010 Fertilizer data - percent of growers that apply fertilizer by commodity by state. Two main types of fertilizers: Urea Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) and Ammonium Nitrate (AN). Percent of custom applicators. |
State-Level |
USDA - Office of Chief Economist. |
09/06/13 |
23166 |
ARMS 3 - 2012 Fuel and Electric data for Wisconsin. |
State-Level WI only |
Wisconsin State Energy Office. |
09/19/13 |
23170 |
ARMS 3 data on 2012 Farm improvement expenses, repairs, and maintenance. See other years: #6368, #7867, #9238, #20589. |
US and Regional level |
Portland Cement Assoc. |
10/17/13 |
23171 |
2002 and 2007 Sorghum by 'hydrologic unit code' for nine Regions: Pacific Northwest, Arkansas-White-Red, Missouri, Ohio, Tennessee, Upper Mississippi, Great Lakes, Texas-Gulf, and South Atlantic-Gulf. |
Regional Level |
Tetra Tech. |
10/31/13 |
23173 |
2006-2012 MN Fertilizer data. |
State-Level MN Only |
Utah State U. |
04/22/14 |
23175 |
Production, planted and harvested acreages for sorghum, irrigated acreages for sorghum, and
irrigation water volume by state at 1998, 2003, 2008. Web links are provided to previously published data. |
State-Level All USA |
Argonne National Laboratory. |
02/24/14 |
23176 |
A bar chart showing the percentage representation of farms, acres, and sales broken down by economic class for 2007 California Fruit & Nut Production (limited to nine counties). See: #23160 for a similar request but for vegetables. |
County-Level CA only |
Los Angeles Food Policy Council. |
03/11/14 |
23177 |
2007 farms with more than 2000 acres of corn, soybean, and wheat. Report the number of farms, crop sales, total acres, and average acres per farm. |
State-Level All USA |
Solum. |
02/28/14 |