Data Lab Listing of Special Tabulations

General Information - 2012

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Special Tabulations
ID Detailed Description of Tabulation Geography Requesting Organization Date Released
23172 2007 and 2012 Farms with Horses and beef cows on more than 2000 acres by farms with 200 to 499 beef cows and 500 or more. US level and for Texas, Montana, and Nebraska. State-Level TX, MT, and NE only and USA Schneider (Germany). 06/11/14
23178 Subset of table 58 (2007) for 1997,2002,2007,2012. Farms with female operators cross tab by sales and expenses. Limited to Kansas and US-level. State-Level KS only Washburn University. 07/10/14
23179 ARMS data for nutrient use in MI, IN, OH Ag districts (2006,2007,2009,2010, and 2012). Ag District Level Michigan State University. 11/18/14
23180 2012 + 2007 Labor stats for NY counties (table 7). County-Level NY only NY Ag Medicine. 06/13/14
23181 90% confidence interval for Alfalfa years: 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013. US-Level Stone Environmental. 05/07/14
23182 Male and Female Farmer demographics and characteristics in 2002, 2007, and 2012 census State-Level All USA University of Georgia. 09/19/14
23183 Farm counts of 2012 AgCensus Young, Beginning, and Small (YBS) Farms with debt for all counties. Tabulated with age, sales, and acreage breakout groups. County-Level All USA Farm Credit Council. 01/20/15
23185 2012 for farms with over $5 million sales, a panorama of statistics (920), by NAICS (like 2012 tables 65 and 68) State-Level All USA Informa Economics, Inc. 10/06/14
23187 2012 and 2007 Broccoli acres harvested for GA, ME, and SC. State-Level GA,ME,SC Only Cornell University. 09/23/14
23188 Cotton Farms, Rice Farms, Wheat Farms, and Sorghum Farms (acreage and sales) crossed by corn and soybean acres across all states for 2007 and 2012. State-Level All USA DuPont Pioneer. 11/19/14
23191 2012 characteristics of farm operators, by (direct to consumer, direct to retailer) US-Level USDA. 05/02/14
23194 2012 with 24 farm labor statistics by (NAICS 111 crops and 112 livestock) County-Level All USA JBS International. 06/10/14
23197 2007 and 2012, sales by (years on farm) US-Level USDA. 05/22/14
23198 2012 and 2007 Farm cnt & TVP of AK,ID,MT,OR, and WA. County-Level Five States NW Farm Credit. 07/07/14
23199 2012, 2007, 2002, 1997 tractor numbers by crop acre group and tractor age. US-Level Vertical Research Partners (NY). 11/18/14
23200 2012 labor expenses, # workers, sales, by (TVP X NAICS), by (#workers X NAICS) US-Level Small Business Administration. 06/05/15
23202 2012 several statistics by (tillage type, NAICS code 1111 oil seed and grain farming) State and US-Level No Till Magazine. 05/28/15
23203 2012 operation acres, cropland, sales, by (tenure, years on farm intervals) County Level - MA Only CISA. 06/16/15
23204 2012 panorama of AgCensus statistics of all commodities, by (over 65 years old, under 65, over 45, under 45, over 10 years on farm, under 10) US, State and County-Level New England States Only American Farmland Trust. 03/13/15
23205 2012 California Livestock inventory and ranking at the county level. County-Level CA Only CA Air Resource Board. 02/18/15
23206 2012 Acreage conditions on animal classes. Farm counts, animal counts, and acres by size of operation for cropland, pasture, manure, and livestock. County-Level All USA EPA. 02/25/15
23207 2012 Fruit & Nut barchart on farms, acres, and sales for nine counties in California . County-Level CA Only GoodFood LA. 10/07/14
23208 2012 Alfalfa acres and production, by (irrigated, non-irrigated, partially irrigated), by yield intervals State-Level All USA USDA-ARS. 10/29/14
23209 2012 Farmer counts on race, sex, and ethnicity. County-Level All USA USDA-FSA. 05/21/14
23210 2002, 2007, 2012 Corn & Soybean acreage (and bushels) on farms with 10k+ acres. Limited to these states: IL, IN, IA, MN, MO, NE, ND, OH, SD, TX, US State-Level Ten States Informa Economics, Inc. 12/02/14
23211 2012 Minority breakdown with sales and NAICS. County-Level All States AgFirst Farm Credit. 03/04/15
23212 2012 For each county, numerous commodities farm counts and acreage, with call letters of all radio stations serving that county County-Level All USA AgriNet. 10/06/14
23213 2012 panorama of statistics (921 rows, including almonds, pecans, walnuts), by years on farm (0-5, 6-10, 11+) US-Level USDA. 06/18/14
23215 2012 Calif. Organic sales for 23rd Congressional District. District-Level 23rd CA Only Organic Trade Assoc. 01/29/15
23217 2012 Land use practices without acreage breakout. County-Level DE Only USDA NASS-DE. 09/30/14
23218 2012 Soybean farms, acres, by no-till and by till, all states State-Level AL Only No Till Magazine. 01/21/15
23219 2012 Contract labor expense and Custom Work Expense by NAICS - Washington State. State-Level WA Only WA State Legal Office. 12/04/14
23220 Net Cash Farm Income (NCFI) data for Vegetable Farming (NAICS 1112) and Fruit & Nut Farming (NAICS 1113) for census years 2002 - 2012. This includes only one western region of 23 counties in North Carolina. Regional-Level NC Only Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project. 01/07/15
23221 Table 64 (Summary by Size of Farm) - added breakouts for '1 to 4 acres' and '5 to 19 acres' year: 2012. County-Level WA Only Wash. State Conservation Commission. 10/20/14
23222 2012 Alfalfa acres, farm counts, and yield in tons. State-Level All USA USDA-ARS. 10/29/14
23223 US Family Farms - Sales Classes (Adj.) 1997-2012. US-Level USDA-AMS. 07/22/14
23224 2012 number of farms in Arkansas with cattle inventory and poultry inventory greater than 5000, broken out by cattle inventory size groups. State-Level AR only Arkansas Dept. of Agriculture. 11/25/14
23225 US Family Farms - Farm counts of specific commodities for 2012. US-Level USDA-AMS. 07/28/14
23227 2012 data on sales, expenses, demographics, livestock, and crops by NAICS (111920) and cotton harvested. State-Level All USA Cotton Inc. 01/07/15
23228 2012 - Table 50 with 'Land drained by tile' (k3450) for the states of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. County-Level IL,IN,IA,MN,WI only Discovery Farms. 01/21/15
23229 2012 + 2007 Hog farms by size (hog inventory and sales) with new breakouts. Same as Chapter 1 Table 21. Note: Column "C" represents the number of the column in table 21. US-Level University of Missouri. 01/23/15
23230 2013 Farm Labor wage rates for the Northern Plains regional states consisting of Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, and North Dakota. Northern Plains States (KS, NE, SD, and ND) Congressman Jeff Fortenberry. 08/08/14
23231 2002 Farm counts and sales by sales category with government payments. Also, see #23198 for same report using 2007 and 2012 census data. Report only for Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington states. County-Level AK, ID, MT, OR, and WA only Northwest Farm Credit. 02/12/15
23232 2012 Michigan farm cnts, crop acreage, livestock inventory, etc. for a group of counties in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. County-Level MI Only NASS Michigan. 03/31/15
23233 2012 American Indian Reservation Report in spreadsheet form one reservation per row. US-Level Village Earth. 09/24/14
23234 2012 number of operators and women operators on Rice farms in the states of: AR, CA, LA, MS, MO, and TX County-Level Six States USA Rice Federation. 09/22/14
23235 Navajo Tribes updated from 2007 - see #7733. Click to review Navajo Nation reports. New Mexico - Navajo Districts USDA NASS NM 04/04/16
23236 2012 Number of farms by bee colony size group and demographics. State-Level All States Paramount Farms - Calif. 02/26/15
23238 2012 Land use practices (like table 50 but at the county level); separately and insignificantly, New York renewable energy type by district County-Level All USA Iowa State University. 01/21/15
23240 2012 AgCensus farm counts of farms with sales less than $250k and greater than $250k for female, American Indian, Asian, Black, Hawaiian, and Hispanic farms in all counties in US. County-Level All USA AgFirst Farm Credit. 03/16/15
23243 2012 Farm data by econ. Class and by farm type. State-Level and USA EPA. 05/11/15
23244 2012 Farm counts of NAICS and acreage groups for Lebanon Connecticut. County-Level Lebanon, CT Only Lebanon City Hall. 03/20/15
23245 2012 Livestock farm numbers, sales, and hired workers broken out by (operation acreage groups X four livestock NAICS) at the US level US-Level Dept of Labor. 03/24/15
23246 2012 Number of poultry farms with any organic sales. US-Level USDA-AMS. 04/17/15
23247 2012 Number of farms in Tennessee with 50+ labors. State-Level TN Only Senator Alexander - TN. 10/10/14
23248 2012 sorts of 30 crops by sales, within county, within state, national County-Level All USA Navigant Consulting. 10/17/14
23249 2012 farm counts of combinations of commodities on farm, by operation acreage intervals, by county County-Level All USA AGCO. 05/11/15
23250 2012 total poultry inventory number by ag district in the state of Iowa. Ag district level IA only USDA - NRCS. 11/06/14
23251 ARMS3 data for 2013 + 2012 Farm expenses (See: #23170 for earlier data). US Level Portland Cement Association. 10/29/14
23252 2013 Catfish Point of First Sale Outlet - Number of Farms for Processors and Retail. State-Level All USA USDA-FSIS. 11/17/14
23254 2012 Sales by Farm Type. County-Level All USA DOC-BEA 05/11/15
23256 2012 Demographics on Rice Farmers in three California counties - Colusa, Glenn, and Yolo. County-Level Only 3 in CA University of California. 04/27/15
23257 2012 Farms by County and NAICS and size of Cropland. County-Level All USA Charles River Assoc. 07/08/15
23258 2012 Energy Source by farm size by Ag District for all states, farm counts County-Level All USA University of Massachusetts. 09/09/15
23259 2002-2012 Farm data (farm counts, acreage, demographics, etc.) for farms with sales between $10K and $500K for all US counties. County-Level All USA USDA-ERS. 08/24/15
23262 Acres and sales of Hawaii vegetables (NAICS 11121) for the years 2002, 2007, and 2012. State-Level HI Only University of Hawaii. 02/22/16
23263 Number of Beef Cattle by Congressional District All States. Congressional District-Level All USA Nat. Cattleman Beef Assoc. 02/19/15
23264 Acreage numbers by county and district - average of years 2006-2013 for corn, cotton, alfalfa, soybean, sorghum, sunflower, and winter wheat. County-Level KS Only Kansas State University. 12/05/14
23265 Ten year average acreage and yield by county and district, 2004-2013, for Winter wheat, Spring wheat, Barley, Corn, Sorghum, Alfalfa, Other Hay, Potatoes, Dry Beans, and sunflowers County-Level CO Only Colorado Division of Property Taxation. 12/11/14
23266 2012 Concentration of Land in Farms (acreage) US level in quartiles. Also, Cattle, Milk Cows, Hogs, Chickens, Layers, Broilers, Turkeys, Corn, Wheat, and Sales (TVP). Average per farm included. US-Level Tripartite. 04/22/15
23267 2012 Land use practices for 10 select counties in Washington State. County-Level WA Only WA Dept. of Ecology. 06/18/15
23268 2012 Hawaii Voume 1, every table, every chapter (state and county level) with CVs State-Level HI Only Ulupono Initiative. 07/16/15
23269 2012 Nursery Acres K474, k476, K477, k478 as separate values. County-Level All USA USDA-NASS-SD. 06/25/15
23270 2012 New York farms with sales of $10,000 or more, with net losses (See: #6825 for 2007 data and #1600 for 2002 data). County-Level NY Only NYS Dept of Labor. 03/13/15
23272 2002-2012 Farm labor (work > 150 days) by (NAICS X state) State-Level All USA NY University. 10/13/15
23275 2012 Hawaii total farm sales (major commodities) by farm size. This request is very similar to table 64. State-Level HI Only HI Dept. of Ag. 03/30/16
23276 2011-2013 ARMS Fuel Expenses for Wisconsin state (3 year average). See also: #23326. State-Level WI Only WI Dept. of Ag. 07/01/15
23277 2012 Percentage and number of farms with spouse of principle operator present - broken down by male and female operators. US-Level USDA-HQ. 02/12/15
23278 2012 Average number of crops, by (acreage X age X state), and list of crops with K-codes State and US-Level Farm Dog Company. 09/22/15
23279 2012 new farm and no longer farm operations, by NAICS farm classification US-Level USDA-HQ. 02/09/15
23282 2012 Farm arces with alley cropping in Alabama counties grouped into two regions. This tabulation includes acreage, inventory, and demographic information. Regional-Level AL Only Aubern University. 02/10/16
23283 Texas Machinery Counts (balers, combines, cotton pickers, forage harvesters, tractors, and trucks) - Standard Errors included County-level Texas Only Council of Governments TX 06/29/16
23285 South-Central Wisconsin Livestock inventory numbers for 2012, 2007, 2002, 1997, and 1992. Regional-Level WI Only University of Wisconsin. 03/14/16
23286 2012 Number of Washington State orchard farms by farm size (acreage groups) that grow apples and cherries. State-Level - WA Only Washington State University. 02/02/16
23287 2012 Women operators whose primary occupation is farming - subset of table 64 with a breakout of farm typology. US-Level Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) 12/10/15
23289 Top 10% and 1% of farm total income and total acreage for 1987 and 2012. US-Level National Resources Defense Council. 02/01/16
23290 2012 Number of farms and hired workers by NAICS codes and acreage range. US-Level Eastern Research Group. 11/19/15
23291 Indiana direct sales by farm size (years: 1992,1997,2002,2007,2012). State-Level IN Only Purdue University 06/02/16
23294 2012 Land Tenure for Young, Beginning Farmers reported in quartiles. State-Level All USA FCC. 06/17/15
23296 2012 Land owned & rented by farmers 65 or older for New England states, NY, and USA. State-Level and USA Tufts University. 05/20/15
23297 Farm counts and acreage of Michigan Land use practices by watershed (HUC6). Watershed-Level MI Only Michigan DEQ. 03/14/16
23299 2012 NY Milk Cow Farms Expenses by livestock inventory groups at the county level. County-Level NY Only NY Bassett Healthcare 04/22/16
23300 2012 Organic Farms by Net Cash Farm Income broken out by sales groups. US-Level National Farmers Union 12/14/15
23301 2012 Number of farms and acreage of vegetables, potatoes, and melons for sale. County-Level and USA NASDA. 07/01/15
23302 2012 Farmers with primary occupation of farming and sales of $25K or more. US-Level USDA-NASS. 06/04/15
23303 2012 Number of Operators for farms with sales over $50k, $100k, $250K, $500k County-Level All USA Ag Media Research 12/14/15
23304 2007-2014 Kansas Eight-year averages of harvested acreage by county. County-Level KS Only Kansas State University. 10/29/15
23305 Farm counts and acreage of field crops, fruit & nuts, hay, land, and vegetables for a group of four Virginia counties (Charles City, James City, New Kent, and York). County-Level VA Only VA Tech. 01/28/16
23306 2012 Number and inventory of cows for farms with 30 or more cows. State-Level All USA USDA-APHIS. 07/10/15
23309 2012 & 2007 Organic farm expenses and operator counts. US-Level York University (Canada) 04/25/16
23310 2012 Number of poultry by inventory group by county for every state. This query includes layers, pullots, broilers, turkeys, geese, and ducks. A continental US map is available for each one. County-Level All USA USDA-APHIS. 09/29/15
23312 Illinois fertilizer data from ARMS II for years: 2006, 2009, 2010, 2012, and 2014. This tabulation includes acres treated, number of applications, average rates, and total applied for the crops of wheat, soybean, and corn. State-Level IL Only Agriculture Water Quality Partnership Forum. 10/15/15
23314 Farm counts and value of farm sales of organic farms (certified and exempt) by economic sales groups. Source: 2014 Organic Survey. State-Level All USA The Organic Center - Wash. DC. 05/18/16
23315 2014 Organic Crops Experiencing Losses Due to GMO. US-Level All USA American Seed Trade Assoc. 06/24/16
23316 Total number of hogs & pigs for inventory and sales broken out by herd size for two regions of Colorado. Region 1 contains counties Cheyenne, Kiowa, Bent, Prowers, and Baca. Region 2 contains Sedgwick, Phillips, Washington, Yuma, and Kit Carson. State-Level CO Only Colorado State University. 01/28/16
23317 2012 Number of farms with more than 164k organic broilers. Also, number of farms with more than 6.1M organic eggs. US-Level USDA-AMS. 10/29/15
23318 2014 ARMS data for Repair & Maintenance Expenses (See also: #23251). US-Level Portland Cement Association 04/11/16
23319 Number of farms, acres, and product sales under NAICS 11212 (Dairy Cattle & Milk Production) using rotational grazing. State-Level All USA WI Milk Marketing Board. 02/24/16
23320 Number of dairy and cattle farms (NAICS 11212 + 112111) with rotational grazing. State-Level All USA Dairy Grazing Apprenticeship. 03/11/16
23321 2012 Table 7 (Chapter 1) "Income from Farm-Related Sources" except only 'Direct to Consumer' farms are included in this tabulation. Spreadsheet contains a page of the states (California, Hawaii, Minnesota, and New York) and US level. One other page includes counties of New York and NY state total. County-Level NY - CA,HI,MN - US National Resources Defense Council. 02/18/16
23324 2012 Direct-To-Consumer # farms, # hired labor, labor expense, by direct sales, by TVP. For CA, HI, MD, MN, NY. Also county-level for NY County-Level NY Only GrowNYC 05/09/16
23325 Number of retirement-age farmers in NY Suffolk County that do not have a young farmer operator alongside them (acreage numbers included). County-Level Only Suffolk NY Suffolk County Economic Development Office 12/01/15
23326 2014 ARMS Fuel & Electricity data for Wisconsin - 3 year average (2012-2014). PDF file. See also: #23276. State-Level WI Only Wisconsin DOA. 01/04/16
23328 Change in Inventory for 2007 to 2012. Dot Map - PDF files. For Livestock: Hogs, Dairy, Cattle, Beef, and Sheep. For six states: MN, IA, ND, SD, WI, and NE. State-Level Minnesota Ag Marketing. 01/05/16
23329 2012 Farm counts by zip code in the state of Massachusetts. Zip Code-Level MA Only USDA - NRCS. 02/19/16
23330 2012 US Table 65 "Market Value of Agricultural Products Sold" (Land & Buildings) with TVPG $750,000 or less. US-Level USDA - Rural Development. 02/12/16
23332 2012 TVP, labor expense, # workers for all NAICS 111 & 112. This is an extension of #23200 US-Level Small Business Administration. 03/03/16
23333 Number of farms with any cattle, hogs, or sheep for census years: 1982, 1992, 2002, and 2012. US-Level NASS-SD. 02/03/16
23334 Number of acres for each NAICS in each county of Nevada (similar report layout to table 44). County-Level NV Only University of Nevada. 04/01/16
23337 2012 Top 100 counties ranked by sales. County-Level Wright State University. 03/14/16
23338 NAICS Farm counts at county level - extending #23257 County-Level All USA CNH Industries 07/20/16
23339 2012 Number of farms and workers on NY farms with 50 or more workers. County-Level NY Only NASS-NY 05/23/16
23340 2012 Sorghum for fuel alcohol production report October 2014 – August 2015. US-Level USDA-OCE 04/12/16
23342 Sales and Land data by Land Use Practice - US Level. US-Level University of Arkansas 07/21/16
23343 2012 Number of farms by zip code - all states. Zip Code-Level All USA USDA-NASS 05/23/16
23344 Number of operators by age group subset by sales >$100k. US-Level Rural Media Group 09/02/16
23345 Calif. Counties Ag Sales above $500k by sales groups County-Level CA Only UCLA Urban Planning 06/02/16
23346 Production Expenses for Beef Farms with Rotational Grazing at the US level and the state of Missouri. Farm counts and expense totals are included. US Level and MO State Only NASS Missouri FO 11/23/16
23347 American Indian data on land, crops, sales, expenses for Arizona, Idaho, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, and Utah. State-Level (AR,ID,NM,NV,OR,UT) University of Nevada 10/03/16
23348 Organic CA Farms, acres, and sales of fruits, nuts, and berries State-Level CA Only NASS Pacific RFO 06/24/16
23349 2014 Organic farms and total sales by state below and above $750k. State-Level All States USDA-AMS 08/30/16
23352 California acres for NAICS 112111 (beef cows) by Ag District and acreage group California Ag District Cap Log Group 09/28/16
23353 Count of farms with fruit, berries, nuts, and/or spec. crops. US-Level USDA-NASS 07/25/16
23354 Count of Soybean farms by operator sex and race by ag district and state. State-Level OsbornBARR 08/17/16
23355 Number of farms with irrigated land >5K acres for 6 states (CA,NM,NV,UT,CO,AZ). State-Level Water Asset Management - NY 08/19/16
23356 Each of broilers, turkeys, pullets by sex, ethnicity, race. US-Level GIPSA/USDA 08/17/16
23357 2012 Number of operators with equids and with >= 5 equids plus number of equids. Note: Equids are horses, ponies, mules, burros and donkeys. State-Level All USA USDA APHIS 10/03/16
23358 2012 Land Use (Table 8) with farms having $500 or less of sales. US Level University of Arkansas 12/19/16
23359 2014 Organic Survey Table 1 - Only Certified operators. State-Level All States NASS-EEDB 08/11/16
23360 2012 North Carolina Farm expenses by farms with less than $10k of sales and by farms with $10k or more of sales. County Level - NC Only USDA NASS-NCFO 12/08/16
23361 Fertilizer application rates for 2015 fruits & 2014 vegetables (value of CV only). US-Level University of Pittsburgh 10/21/16
23362 Mixed Income Farms - 2012 Farm counts with a ratio of crop sales to total sales. CSIRO - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization. County - Level ALL USA CSIRO Australia 05/09/17
23363 Tenure of operator by sex, race, age, acreage, and sales. US-Level Portland State University 01/05/17
23364 2012 Government Conservation Funds by farm size and dollars. US-level Center for Food Safety 01/03/17
23365 2012 Beginning Women Farmers (with 10 or less years on farm) by age groups and owned and rented land (farm counts and acreage). State-Level All States University of Vermont 01/26/17
23366 California Irrigated farms with >=1k acres (2013 Farm and Ranch Irrigation Survey (FRIS) - tables). State-Level CA Only Lindberg Int. (Denmark) 03/15/17
23367 Ten year average (2006-2015) of acreage by Colorado counties and commodities. Commodity list: alfalfa, barley, beans, corn, hay, potato, sorghum, sunflower, and wheat. County-Level - CO Only NASS Mountain RFO 01/19/17
23368 2012 hog producers by state, sex, and race. State level - All USA Texas Tech University 12/20/16
23369 2012 Average acreage per farm in Oregon Lane County with sales greater than or equal to $2,500. Only Lane County, OR Oregon County Government 12/22/16
23370 2012 Farm hired labor and contract labor dollar amounts by NAICS 1111, 1112, 1113, 1114, 1119, and 112 for only the counties of Monterey and Santa Cruz, California. See also: #23373. County-Level CA Only City of Salinas, CA 02/16/17
23371 2012 number of farms in each county across all states with any ‘direct sales to consumers’ and gross sales of $250K or more. County-Level All USA University of Arkansas 03/15/17
23372 Iowa average corn and soybean yields from 2011 to 2015. County Level - IA Only Iowa State University 03/06/17
23373 Labor Expenses by NAICS codes (1111,1112,1113,1114,1119,112) and farm counts for every county in California (58). This is an extension of request #23370. County-Level CA Only City of Salinas, CA 03/29/17
23374 Total Production Expenses by NAICS for all 67 Pennsylvania counties. Farm counts and CV's are included. County-Level PA Only USDA-NASS NERFO 05/02/17
23376 2012 Non-Family Farms (typology) broken out by GCFI <$350,000 and GCFI>= $350,000 by state. GCFI - Gross Cash Farm Income. State-Level All USA NASS NWRFO Idaho 04/07/17
23377 2012 Number of farms with no sales by race and sex. US-Level University of Arkansas 04/12/17
23378 1982 to 2012 Farms with no sales AND 2012 census table 55 limited to Farms with no sales. US-Level University of Arkansas 05/31/17
23379 List of agricultural commodities by state found in the 2012 Census of Agriculture. State-Level All USA USDA - Center for Nutrition Policy & Promotion 04/25/17
23380 Updated Florida County Profile (115 Congressional Districts) for eight counties in District 5 using the 2012 census data. County Level FL Only USDA 05/15/17
23381 2012 Farmer Characteristics and Farming practices on farms using alley cropping or silvopasture State-Level All USA USDA Forest Service 06/01/17
23382 2016, 2015 Quarterly/Annual Agricultural Labor Wage Rates, Means and Medians. Regional - All USA USDA-OCE 05/18/17
23383 Number of farms for Lebanon CT zip codes 06249 06330 06350 06351, by farm acreage size and by NAICS Zip Code Level - CT Only Lebanon Town CT 05/24/17
23384 2012 Organic farm operator tenure by race, ethnicity, and sex. State-Level All USA Florida A&M University 06/15/17
23385 Number of farm labor hired, unpaid, migrant for soybean farms. US Level Gordley Associates 06/22/17
23386 List of agricultural commodities found in 2013 Aquaculture Census. State-Level All USA USDA - Center for Nutrition Policy & Promotion 06/14/17
23387 USA 2012 Profile of Hispanic farmers by white and non-white races. US-Level University of Arkansas 07/05/17
23388 US farm sales by 'years-operating-any-farm'. US Level University of Arkansas 11/22/17
23389 US Land Acreage of Farms with No Sales - 1997,2002,2007,2012 - Similar to Table 8. US-Level University of Arkansas 07/26/17
23391 2012 Number of Operators of Farms with CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) by Race, Sex, and Ethnicity. US-level and four states: CA, MS, NY, and TX. US and State-Level University of Arkansas 07/24/17
23392 640 variables by sales category by South Carolina county. State-Level - SC Only SC State University 06/12/17
23393 US Farms with land under crop insurance by race, ethnicity, and sex. US-Level University of Arkansas 07/07/17
23394 1997 Aelos CV's for Table 68 (owner by race). Count of land owners. US-Level University of Arkansas 09/05/17
23395 2002, 2007, 2012 Farm Labor - Number of workers and farms for farms with 10 or fewer workers US-Level GAO 08/24/17
23396 2012 COA Profile of Principle Operators by Race, Ethnicity, and Sex. US Level University of Iowa 11/30/17
23397 Quartile values (in acres) for land in farms (LIF) by county in all states for 2012. County-Level All USA American Farmland Trust 07/13/17
23398 Farm counts and sales (including average sales) for each farm typology by state and county. County-Level All-USA UCLA Anderson 10/02/17
23399 2012 Hired farm labor by NAICS and all states (and US level, too). State-Level - All USA GDW 12/18/17
23400 2012 Total sales (TVP) by cattle herd size. US Level and State Level WA Only Washington State University 10/30/17
23401 2016 Annual U.S. and regional Agricultural Labor wage rates for selected SOC and Farm labor codes US-Level USDA - OCE 08/09/17
23402 Number of Farms by farm size (acreage group) and operator age (age groups) for the states of Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, and Minnesota. County Level IL,IA,KS,MN Only Iowa State University 11/30/17
23403 Race,Ethnicity,Sex Profile for farms with 'direct sales to consumer' for Michigan. State-Level MI Only University of Michigan 01/19/18
23404 Number of rice farms and operator by race and by state at the state level. (Arkansas, California, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, and Texas). State Level AR,CA,LA,MS,MO,TX Only US Rice Federation 11/07/17
23405 2012 Farm numbers + total sales of Aquaculture fresh water only, saltwater only, and fresh + saltwater State-Level All USA FL Congressman Lawson 09/11/17
23406 2012 Washington State Beginning and Senior Farmer Profiles - Acreage, Sales, NAICS, more State-Level WA Only Washington State Conservation Commission 01/31/18
23407 2012 California State Profile including all counties in a CVS formatted file. County-Level CA Only Scientific Engineering Assoc. 09/12/17
23409 2012-2016 Un-irrigated Cotton & Sorghum yields by Texas Districts 11 & 12 by Percentiles. State-Level TX Only USDA-ARS 09/20/17
23412 Cottonseed estimate dates (2012-2016) US level with weight and price. US-Level Congressional Budget Office 09/22/17
23413 California Medium/Short Grain Rice Market Year Average Price (1994-2007) State-Level CA Only USDA Office of Congressional Relations 10/04/17
23415 Estimated proportion of total September to November pig crop by size of operation from the December Quarterly Hogs and Pigs survey 2000-2016. US Level USDA Office of the Chief Economist 10/10/17
23416 2016 Number of organic farms by farm size. US Level National Organics Standard Board 10/16/17
23417 Agricultural Labor Subgroup Breakouts by Quarter US USDA-NASS 11/16/2017
23418 Land in Farm (LIF) acreage of farms with zero sales [1982,1987,1992]. US Level University of Arkansas 12/27/2017
23419 Number of farms with zero sales by farmer race and sex [2002]. US Level University of Arkansas 02/08/2018
23422 Acreage breakout above 2,000 acres for corn, soybeans, wheat, hay, fruit and vegetables. US Level Trimble 06/15/18
23424 Fertilizer application rates for fruits & vegetables with CV. States: IL,IN,IA,MI,MN,MO,ND,OH, SD, and WI. State Level University of Arkansas 12/07/17
23425 2012 Number of Virginia Farms by sales classes for fruits & Vegetables (combined). Also, done with VA farms having at least $25,000 in sales. State-Level VA Only NASS EMRO 02/28/18
23426 2012 farm income by farm size for Arapahoe County Colorado County Level Arapahoe County Planning 06/15/18
23427 Crop Yield CV's from County Agricultural Production Survey for Campbell, Potter, and Walworth counties in South Dakota from 2012 to 2016. County Level - SD Only SD Land Owner 12/11/17
23428 Number of farms with certain minimum amounts of animals. US Level EPA 01/19/18
23430 Whole county aggregation to Congressional District for Florida, Minnesota, Virginia, and North Carolina. District Level FL,MN,NC,VA Only USDA - NASS 01/29/18
23431 FAO Definition of small farm. US Level UN - Food & Agriculture Organization 02/22/18
23435 2012 TVP by NAICS 111 and 112 by county County Level – All US Synergos Technologies, Inc. 7/27/18
23436 Cottonseed estimate dates (2000 to 2016) at the US level with weight and price. US Level USDA-FSA 04/09/18
23437 Internet Access by Zip Code. Zip Code Level USDA OSEC 05/15/18
23438 Alfalfa hay counts and acreage by presence of livestock. State Level USDA-RMA 08/17/18
23441 2011-2017 Crop Acres County, State, US USDA OCE 08/21/18
23442 Farm Counts of specific crops with TVPG of $1,000 or more for AL, CA, FL, GA, LA, SC, TX County Level USDA-FSA 05/30/18
23444 Farm counts for selected pesticides and crops. State Level CAREX Canada 05/30/18
23451 2007 and 2012 Census of Agriculture summaries for various items and farm characteristics, filtered through the presence or absence of various crop and livestock commodities on the farm. National Level Rutgers University 11/20/18
23452 2015-2017 Labor Wage Rates for selected SOC codes for Regions and US Region and US Level USDA-OCE 7/26/18
23453 The number of farms and acres for operations with crop insurance where race of principal producer was American Indian or Alaska Native. State Level USDA-RMA 08/02/18
23454 Sugarcane farmers by race demographics. State Level The Guardian 10/25/18
23464 Total number of shrimp and abalone farms with $5,000 or less in sales. US-Level Department of Commerce 04/02/19
23465 Ten year average acreage numbers by county and district. 2008-2017 For Alfalfa, Barley, Beans, Corn, Hay, Potato, Sorghum, Sunflower, and Wheat. County-Level CO Only Colorado Division of Property Taxation 02/07/19
23467 SOC code by region for Ag Labor Regional Level OSEC 02/05/19

For additional information contact the Data Lab Administrator.

Last Modified: 02/06/2025