Data Lab Listing of Special Tabulations

General Information - 2017

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Special Tabulations
ID Detailed Description of Tabulation Geography Requesting Organization Date Released
23458 2017 Census of Agriculture number of maple syrup farms and taps based on size of operation State-Level (Vermont) Vermont Agency of Agriculture 08/16/19
23461 2017 Census of Agriculture New York farms with sales of $10,000 or more, with net losses (See #23270 for 2012 data). County-Level NY Only NYS Department of Labor 05/23/19
23472 2017 Census of Agriculture Counts of Operations by Grape Acreage Categories. State-Level WI only University of Wisconsin-Madison 07/29/19
23476 2012 and 2017 Census of Agriculture HUC-4 level land in farms and land drained by tile. Watershed-Level HUC-4 The Nature Conservancy 07/31/19
23477 2017 Census of Agriculture Organic operations that owned acreage with crop and ethnicity breakouts. State Florida A & M University 11/30/20
23481 2017 Census of Agriculture 10th, 25th, 75th, and 90th percentiles for land in farms. County-Level All USA American Farmland Trust 06/17/19
23482 2017 Census of Agriculture farm characteristics (50) by basic (9), demographic (9), organic/practice (10), and NAICS/commodity (43) variables. The interest paid expense was summarized for each category, separately. County-Level Farm Credit Council 06/03/21
23483 For the 2007, 2012, and 2017 Census of Agriculture specific farm and operator characteristics were explored for socially disadvantaged farmers or ranchers. State and US-Level GAO 04/18/19
23484 Weighted Median for Size of Farms for Selected Commodities. State and US-Level USDA-OCE 04/25/19
23485 2017 Census of Agriculture Directly-Hired and Contracted Expenses by select NAICS codes. County-Level Department of Labor 05/29/19
23490 2017 number of operators for farms with sales over $50k, $100k, $250K, $500k, $1 million, and number of operators with cropland harvested over 500 acres, 1k acres. County-Level Ag Media Research 06/24/19
23492 2017 Census of Agriculture Subsets of Volume 1, Chapter 1, Tables 8, 52, and 53 for Operations with Zero Sales US University of Arkansas 11/20/19
23494 2012 to 2017 Census of Agriculture farm survival rates. State – Level (CA) Organization: Kitchen Table Advisors 02/26/21
23495 Livestock counts for 22 zip codes aggregated 22 Zip Codes Aggregated University of Wisconsin 07/10/20
23497 Estimated Average Land Values County BLM 02/21/20
23499 2017 Census of Agriculture, the number farms and acres of corn and soybeans for farms that grow both corn and soybeans, grow only one of the crops, or predominately grow only one of the crops. State and US-Level House Agriculture Committee Republicans 05/20/19
23500 2017 Census of Agriculture Sustainable Development Goal indicator for small scale U.S. Farms based on the FAO definition. US-Level UN – Food & Agriculture Organization 06/27/19
23501 2017 Census of Agriculture Count of Farms where K4160 + K2752 GE $25K County – IL Only USDA NASS 11/27/19
23502 Farm count and inventory for ops that Practiced rotational or management-intensive grazing. State (Missouri) University of Missouri 09/18/19
23503 2017 & 2018 Annual median wage rates for combined Field and Livestock Workers. Region and US-Level American Farm Bureau Federation 05/23/19
23504 2017 Census of Agriculture farm size, tenure, and economic class for operations with 10 years or less on current operation. State – Level (HI only) : University of Hawaii 06/25/21
23505 2017 Census of Agriculture number of operations and values for 3 groups of market values of commodities sold by listed table values. State – Level California Institute for Rural Studies 02/09/21
23507 2017 Census of Agriculture Farmer counts on race, sex, and ethnicity. County USDA 11/04/20
23508 Percent of operations and milk cows on operations which purchase Alfalfa or Premium Alfalfa for the four quarters from July 2018 to April 2019. Eight States USDA, Office of the Chief Economist 05/28/19
23509 2017 Census of Agriculture select NAICS by 3 economic class groups US Nitroterra Technology 12/09/19
23511 2017 Census of Agriculture Underserved Producers by Crop Insurance US OCE 12/19/19
23515 2015 Local Foods Marketing Practices Survey aquaculture farms and sales for direct-to-retail and direct-to-consumer. US - Level Johns Hopkins University 03/19/21
23517 2016-2018 Ag Labor mean, median, and average number of workers for selected SOC’s. US/Regional Level OCE 06/13/19
23518 Aggregated Values for Fruit & Tree Nuts + Vegetables + Horticulture combined. County Union of Concerned Scientists 09/02/20
23519 2017 Census or Agriculture agricultural district values for hogs, broilers, other chickens. Ag District - Level (TX only) Organization: Texas Water 04/09/21
23520 2017 Census of Agriculture NAICS code 111333 operations with direct sales to consumers or retail. State – Level (CA and FL) The Context Network 02/05/21
23521 2017 American Indian publication for the combined sum of federally recognized reservations in Michigan. State (Michigan) USDA NASS 09/16/19
23526 2017 Census of Agriculture sales by farm type. County DOC-BEA 11/16/20
23527 2017 Census of Agriculture number of managers by farm type. US USDC BEA 08/13/19
23529 Range, mean, and median seeding rates for select crops by irrigation. State OCE 06/08/20
23530 2017 Census of Agriculture Concentration of Land in Farms (acreage) US level in quartiles. Also, Cattle, Milk Cows, Hogs, Chickens, Layers, Broilers, Turkeys, Corn, Wheat, and Sales (TVP). Average per farm included. US - level Tripartite 08/13/20
23531 2017 Census of Agriculture Farm Labor Data by NAICS 111 and 112 County JBS International 10/21/20
23534 2017 Census of Agriculture equipment by operation type. County (OR Only) Eastern Research Group, Inc. 01/04/21
23535 2017 Census of Agriculture acreage conditions on animal classes. Farm counts, animal counts, and acres by size of operation for cropland, pasture, manure, and livestock. County - Level EPA 06/22/21
23536 2017 Census of Agriculture a subset of table 75 by select NAICS codes for 8 states County (8 States) American Farmland Trust 12/04/19
23537 2018 Agriculture Resource Management Survey Phase 2, Soybeans Production Practices and Cost Report, the percent of soybeans growers in the major states who use precision agriculture data collection tools during field operations. Region level for major soybeans states USDA - REE 08/15/19
23540 2017 Census of Agriculture land owned for mollusk farms. County (Mathews County VA Only) Chesapeake Style Magazine 01/05/21
23541 2017 Census of Agriculture farms with cover crops and conventional tillage acres. US – Level No Till Farmer 06/08/21
23542 2017 Census of Agriculture operations with both cattle and crops. State Allen Media 12/18/19
23544 2017 Census of Agriculture number of producers that produce specialty crops by race and sex. US - Level USDA AMS 04/03/20
23546 2017 Census of Agriculture reformat of the American Indian Reservations Report. US – Level Colorado State University 02/09/21
23548 Carbaryl Percentiles from the Agricultural Chemical Use Program for Multiple Years on Select Crops. US Applied Analysis Solutions LLC 11/15/19
23549 2017 Census of Agriculture farms with 5 acres or less of vegetables and sales directly to consumers. State-Level Strata-G Adisors 02/05/21
23550 2017 Census of Agriculture land ownership of producers 65 and over. State American Farmland Trust 10/01/20
23551 Mushrooms - Comparable Estimates for 2018 and 2019 Totals for 8 States as Defined by 2019 Estimating Program. Eight States American Mushroom Institute 10/18/19
23553 2017 Census of Agriculture count, acreage, and values for farms with corn for grain. Congressional District National Corn Growers Association 09/02/20
23554 2017 Census of Agriculture top 20 congressional districts for canola acres. Congressional District US Canola Association 09/18/20
23557 2017 Census of Agriculture Farms with size groupings for various livestock. State - level USDA 01/15/21
23559 2017 Census of Agriculture veteran producer demographics with the Reserves and National Guard included. Geography: State – Level (Washington) Washington State Department of Veterans Affairs 01/27/21
23560 2017 Census of Agriculture number of farms, land in farms, cropland for operations that practice rotational grazing. Geography: State Level University of Wisconsin 03/19/21
23561 : 2017 Census of Agriculture number of socially disadvantaged farms and farmers. County - Level USDA ERS 02/12/20
23564 2017 Census of Agriculture number of farms and acres with at least one producer with a primary occupation of farming. Geography: State-Level USDA NRCS 05/26/21
23565 2017 Census of Agriculture number of farms and acres with at least one producer with a primary occupation of farming by age group. Geography: State-Level USDA NRCS 05/26/21
23572 2017 Census of Agriculture, acres and number of operations with all principal producers 65 and over. Geography: State-Level Young Farmers Coalition 10/12/21
23575 2017 Census of Agriculture Farms with Horses and beef cows on more than 2000 acres by farms with 200 to 499 beef cows and 500 or more. State - Level Schneider (Germany) 02/11/21
23576 2017 Census of Agriculture number producers that produce avocados by race and sex for select states. State - Level (CA only) USDA AMS 02/21/20
23577 2017 Census of Agriculture farms, land in farms, and tenure by race and ethnicity. County - Level Tufts University 05/11/21
23580 2017 Census of Agriculture number of farms and producers where all producers are beginning farmers. County Level USDA-ERS 03/30/20
23581 2017 Census of Agriculture beginning producers with organics production. State - Level (FL) Organization: USDA NRCS 02/19/21
23582 2017 Census of Agriculture Sales Class by Crop Insurance US OCE 04/24/20
23583 2017 Census of Agriculture number of farms, number of hired workers and total sales based on the number of workers on the farm. US - Level OMB 04/07/20
23584 2017 Census of Agriculture farm counts for crop insurance, sales category, and underserved producer by select crops grown. US OCE 05/21/20
23586 2017 Census of Agriculture bee colonies broken into size groups. State - Level Project Apis m. 05/21/21
23587 Iowa average corn and soybean yields from 2015 to 2019. County Level - (IA Only) Iowa State University 03/12/21
23588 2017 Census of Agriculture Bolder County Colorado number of produce farms that have farm labor and the number or workers. County (Boulder County CO Only) Colorado State University 12/07/20
23589 Percentiles and Standard Errors for CA,WA,ID,OR county cash rental rates, 2010-2019. County (CA,WA,ID,OR only) Yoder Economics Consulting, LLC 08/14/20
23590 2017 Census of Agriculture TN number of operations that have 10k or more chickens by the size groups of cattle State – Level (TN Only) USDA NASS 03/11/21
23591 2017 Census of Agriculture beginning farmers with direct marketing sales. US - Level Colorado State University 03/2/21
23592 2017 Census or Agriculture number of minority farms and producers. County – Level USDA NRCS 04/09/21
23593 2017 Census of Agriculture producer characteristics for operations with organic production. US - Level Oregon State University 02/12/21
23598 2017 Census of Agriculture market value of sales for select crops. Congressional District USDA Foreign Agricultural Service 09/2/20
23603 2017 and 2012 Census of Agriculture Organics Tabulation acres added to the size breakouts. State – Level Cornell University 07/22/21
23604 2017 Census of Agriculture, NAICS codes, size of operation, and age of producers for operations with direct sales. Level – State University of Vermont 09/27/21
23611 2017 Census of Agriculture number of farms and goats on operations with five or more goats. State – Level USDA APHIS 11/23/20
23612 2017 Census of Agriculture number producers that produce select commodities by race and sex for select states. State – Level USDA AMS 04/03/20
23617 2019 Organics Survey the number of farms that answered the practice questions (section 11). State – Level The Organic Center 06/09/21
23619 2014 and 2019 Organic Surveys, production practices number of non-yes answers broken out. US– Level The Breakthrough Institute 08/20/21
23620 2017 Census of Agriculture, family-run farm counts by number of family members per farm for principal operators. Regional– Level (Puerto Rico Only) Puerto Rico University 08/20/21
23622 Ten year average acreage numbers by county and district. 2010-2019 for barley, corn, sorghum, and wheat. County-Level CO Only Colorado Division of Property Taxation 03/01/21
23625 2017 Census of Agriculture, profiles by age group. State - Level American Farmland Trust 09/17/21
23626 2017 Census or Agriculture number of producers that grow soybeans. County-Level American Soybean Association 04/02/21
23627 Farm income, government support payments, contract livestock, production, and land tenure for minority and non-minority farms and producers. US - Level Congressional Research Service 03/05/21
23629 2017 Census of Agriculture farm counts for crop insurance, sales category, and a race by select crops grown. US - Level OCE 04/28/21
23630 2017 Census or Agriculture farm income, government support payments, contract livestock, production, and land tenure by race and ethnicity. US - Level USDA Racial Justice and Equity Working Group 03/24/21
23631 2017 Census of Agriculture number of producers that are new farmers with military service. County – Level USDA NRCS 07/15/21
23632 2017 Census of Agriculture, farm data by economic class by farm type and farm characteristics. US – Level US EPA Office of Pesticide Programs 08/04/21
23633 2017 and 2012 Census of Agriculture number of farms with renewable energy and number of farms with solar panels. County – Level (CA Only) Stanford University 07/19/21
23634 2017 Census of Agriculture military status, primary occupation, acres, and state level race of producers for coffee growers. County – Level (HI only) USDA APHIS 06/30/21
23636 2017 Census of Agriculture, NAICS by hired farm labor and TVP. US - Level US Small Business Administration 10/15/21
23637 2017 Census of Agriculture corn, cotton and soybean producers in Missouri (by state and county) broken down by age, size of operation with sex and race at the state level. County – Level (MO only) Missouri Soybean Association 07/01/21
23638 2019 Organic Survey livestock intervals for organic livestock. US - Level Intelligent Analytics and Modeling 06/21/22
23639 2017 Census of Agriculture average (Euclidean) distances between health care facilities latitude/longitudes (list provided by requestor) and latitude/longitudes for Census records. County - Level USDA Rural Development Innovation Center 06/24/21
23640 2017 Census of Agriculture farm counts for crop insurance, sales category, and three races by select crops grown. US - Level OCE 06/03/21
23641 2017 Census of Agriculture producer demographics by select size groups and commodities. State - Level USDA AMS 06/11/21
23642 2017 Census of Agriculture, the total number producers that are: non-Hispanic, White males who have been farming (on any farm) more than 10 years on Small family farms with Gross Cash Farm Income less than $350,000. US - Level U.S. House Committee on Agriculture 08/04/21
23644 2019 Organic Survey, the proportion of Broiler Operations with over $1,000,000 in total sales and the proportion of Egg Operations with over $16,500,000 in total sales. US - Level USDA AMS 08/24/21
23645 2007, 2012, and 2017 Census of Agriculture, bee colonies broken into specific size groups. US - Level University of California Davis 10/5/21
23646 2018 Census of Puerto Rico, number of operations that use of agroecological, sustainable agriculture or permacultural practices Puerto Rico – Level Puerto Rico Department of Agriculture 09/07/21
23647 2017 Census of Agriculture, bee colonies broken into specified size groups. US – Level Michigan State University 11/09/21
23648 Ten year average number of reports and CV’s for Idaho grazing fee estimates collected on January Cattle survey (2012-2021). Level – State (ID only) Idaho Farm Bureau 09/29/21
23649 2017 Census of Agriculture, Farm income, government support payments, contract livestock, production, and land tenure by race and GCFI. US - Level Congressional Research Service 10/20/21
23650 2017 Census of Agriculture, number of farms for four value of sales size categories, covered by the produce safety rule. County - Level USDA AMS 06/04/24
23651 2017 Census of Agriculture, county level labor numbers for dairy farms (NAICS 11212) in WI. County (WI only) Barbic Business Advisors 01/10/22
23652 2017 Census of Agriculture cropland and select variables for small acreage farms that have at least one producer that spent the majority of their worktime farming. State - Level Organization: St Olaf College 06/3/22
23653 2017 Census of Agriculture, farms and number of producers for operations with hay or cover crops by race, sex, ethnicity. State - Level USDA FPAC 11/23/21
23655 2017 Census of Agriculture, midpoints for cropland by county. County USDA ERS 01/26/22
23656 2017 Census of Agriculture, race, ethnicity, and sex for growers of corn, soybeans, or small grains. State (IA, IL, MN, WI only) University of California Davis 03/14/22
23657 2017 Census of Agriculture, farm counts of new size breaks for cattle operations. US US EPA 04/1/22
23658 2002, 2007, 2012, and 2017 Census of Agriculture, race and ethnicity collated with various variables including tenure, acres, farmland, and value of buildings. State - Level Harvard Law School 06/02/23
23659 2017 Census of Agriculture, Subsets of Volume 1, Chapter 1, Tables 5, 6, and 69 for Operations with Zero Sales. US and NY State Harvard Law School 05/26/22
23660 2017 Census of Agriculture, New and Beginning Producers as well as Young Producers on Operations with Zero Sales. US - Level Harvard Law School 05/26/22
23661 2017 Census of Agriculture, the number of farms, land in farms and total cropland for operations that reported they practice alley cropping, silvopasture, or forest farming, or have riparian forest buffers or windbreaks. State (NY only) Harvard Law School 02/18/22
23662 2017 Census of Agriculture land covered by insurance and insurance payments by race, sex, and ethnicity. State (NY only) Harvard Law School 08/11/22
23663 2017 Census of Agriculture, national rankings for select commodities. Monmouth County NJ Monmouth County Division of Planning 12/15/21
23664 2017, 2012, 2007, 2002 Census of Agriculture age groups for producers that produce corn, cotton, and soybeans. County – Level Tohoku University 10/17/22
23665 2017 Census of Agriculture farm size and land use practices for farms with wheat. Congressional District – Level Organization: National Association of Wheat Growers 10/21/22
23666 2017 Census of Agriculture number of young, new and beginning producers on operations that had less than 250k in sales. County – Level (Select CA counties only) CSU Chico 09/02/22
23667 2017 Census of Agriculture, number of farms with less than less than $15,000 in sales as well as farms with more than $70,300 in total sales. US NACTAS 04/29/22
23668 2017 Census of Agriculture, average total size of operations for operations that have corn, soybeans, and small grains. State (IA, IL, MN, WI only) University of California Davis 05/19/22
23669 Iowa average corn and soybean yields from 2018 to 2022. County Level - (IA Only) Iowa State University 03/09/23
23670 Average percentage of boars in breeding herd from 2015 to 2022. US - Level HFA 06/02/22
23675 2017 Census of Agriculture demographics for select commodities. Multi-County Region USDA ARS 06/27/22
23678 2017 Census of Agriculture number of farms for select crops broken into select size categories. Multi-County Region USDA ARS 06/27/22
23679 2017 Census of Agriculture number of producers by various TVP criteria. County - Level AgriTech & Water Solutions North America 08/02/22
23681 1987, 1992, and 1997 Census of Agriculture midpoints for cropland, by county. County - Level USDA ERS 08/05/22
23684 2018 Irrigation and Water Management Survey, tables 23, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, and 39 for operations that grow any of the following alfalfa, corn silage, corn for grain, other small grains, sorghum, other hay. State – Level (AZ only) University of Arizona 06/09/23
23685 2017 Census of Agriculture number of commodities produced by operations. State - Level State Farm Insurance 10/20/22
23688 2017 Census of Agriculture, sugarcane and sugar beet information including size, expenses, and market value of products sold. US - Level GAO 08/14/23
23689 Colorado ten-year average harvested acreage, production, and yield by county. 2012-2021 for barley, corn, sorghum, and wheat. County-Level CO Only Colorado Division of Property Taxation 01/17/23
23690 2017 Census of Agriculture number of farms and total sales for operations that grew select crops and had less than $250,000 in sales. State - Level USDA AMS 12/21/22
23691 2017 Census of Agriculture number of farms with bee colonies and the number of colonies for select size groups. County-Level HI Only Western Apicultural Society 01/26/23
23692 2018 Census of Puerto Rico number of farms and total sales for operations that had select commodities and had less than $250,000 in sales. Puerto Rico - Level USDA AMS 02/02/23
23694 2017 Census of Agriculture, farms with cover crops and no-till, and farms with cover crops and reduced till. US - Level Environmental Defense Fund 07/14/23
23695 2019 Agricultural Resource Management Survey Phase 2 (ARMS 2), 2020 ARMS 2, 2021 ARMS 2, 2019 Fruit Chem Use, 2020 Vegetable Chem Use values from additional pest management questions temporarily added to questionnaire as part of an agreement with OPMP. All Program States Combined - Level USDA OPMP 02/25/25
23697 2021 Organic Survey, the proportion of Broiler Operations with over $1,000,000 in total sales and the proportion of Egg Operations with over $16,500,000 in total sales. US - Level USDA AMS 03/14/23
23701 Sheep and Goats, estimates for percentages for operations with ewes. State - Level USDA APHIS 10/10/23
23707 2017 Census of Agriculture, the number of unique operations and producers on farms that grow a covered commodity. State - Level U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, & Forestry 10/11/23
23720 Organics 2019 and 2021 - Organic practices for organic seed acquired and adequate production inputs. State - Level USDA AMS 08/23/24

For additional information contact the Data Lab Administrator.

Last Modified: 02/25/2025