Data Lab Listing of Special Tabulations

General Information - 2002

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Special Tabulations
ID File Title Detailed Description Geography Requesting Organization
83 2002 Race/Ethnicity/Sex by County Race by Hispanic-origin by Sex cross-tabulation count of operators County/State/U.S. USDA/NRCS
84 Farm value of African American owned farm operations Alabama value of land and buildings of farms owned or are identified as "African American" owned farm operations. State of Alabama only Southern Rural Dev. Initiative
85 Number of Farms and by size and Zip code in OR. Zip code tabulation of the total number of farms and farm numbers broken out by acres: 1-49, 50-179, 180-499, 500-9999, and 1000+. State of Oregon only NRCS
86 US Horse Farms with large acreage by SIC US Horse Farms with 2000 or more acres broken out by NAICS code. Second table is the same except with 5000 or more acres. Count of farms and horses. US Level Schneider (Germany)
87 Percentage of Reported Farm Land acres Calculated the percent of acres in the county with the largest value of sales. Iowa State Only Iowa State University
88 Market Value of Land, Buildings, and Machines Puerto Rico market value of land, buildings, and machines by municipal (equivalent to county). Puerto Rico Only Dept. of Ag - Puerto Rico.
89 Farm Counts of Baitfish, Catfish, and Bass Fish Specie Sales under $750,000 - Farm counts of baitfish, catfish, and hybrid striped bass. State and US Level US Fish & Wildlife Service
91 Milk Cow Farms Illinois milk cows broken out into 4 groups. Illinois State Only Veterinary Services, APHIS
92 Farms with Crop Insurance Farms with crop insurance by race and also some sex classification. Based on the 2002 AgCensus. U.S. Level Only Chief Economist for USDA
93 Milk Cow Farms Missouri milk cows sales, acreage, operators, race, etc. Missouri State Only University of Missouri
94 Farm Labor Hired and contract farm labor payroll by crop farms and livestock farms. U.S. County Level U.S. Department of Labor
95 Milk Cow farms Milk cow farms broken down by herd size. U.S. County Level WestfaliaSurge, Inc.
96 Farm Production Expenses Total market value of agricultural products sold for ONLY those farms with 1 or more horses. Oregon State Only Oregon SSO
97 Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Farm counts by zip-code to identify grain applications. Athens County, Ohio Only Athens County Volunteer fire department (Ohio)
98 Corn Acreage Corn acres in either grain or silage broken down by acres. County-Level across U.S. Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. (Iowa)
99 Horse Farm Counts Farms with horses that also have at least one donkey or mule, broken out by number of horses. State-Level across U.S. National Animal Health Monitoring System
100 Farm Land Counts Aspects of land, tenure, sex, and race by county. County-Level, Washington and Oregon States Only Oregon SSO
101 Government Payments Government payments by congressional districts. Congressional Districts across US University of Nebraska
102 Rice Rice Harvested Acres by Congressional District, sorted by Rank Congressional Districts across US Congressional Research Service
103 Livestock and Dairy Sales Includes livestock sales representing no more than 35% of farm sales. County-Level, Pennsylvania Only Pennsylvania SSO
104 Cantaloupe and Soybean Data Cantaloupe and soybean data by race and sales (split at $10,000) State-Level for Florida, Alabama, and Georgia Only Florida A&M University
105 Clingstone peaches Farm Data Race/Hispanic/sex columns on farmers with Clingstone peaches. State-Level for California Only Agricultural Marketing Service
106 Net-Loss for all farms For all farms and farms with at least $10k in sales. County-Level data for New York Only New York State Department of Labor
107 Land numbers in NAICS 1111, 1112, 1113 Land in Farms, Cropland, Farm income for above commodities. County-Level summary for CA, OR, ID, and WA Industrial Economics, Inc.
108 Farm debt and sales data Young, beginning, and small farmers level of debt. County-Level for all states Farm Credit Council
109 Farm debt and sales Data Young, beginning, and small farmers debt and income. County-Level for Pennsylvania Only AgChoice Farm Credit
110 Cotton Data Cotton sales and acreage. State-Level for all states and US-Level. Cotton Incorporated
111 Cotton sales and acreage Data Net income by acreage size. County-Level for Oregon Only Oregon Department of Agriculture
112 Tart Cherries Data Race/Hispanic/sex columns on farmers with tart cherries; also kiwi, walnut, and almond for California State-Level for MI, NY, PA, OR, UT, WA, and WI Only Agricultural Marketing Service
113 Farm Acreage Data Percentage of total production output by acreage category. US-Level all states Cornell University
114 Farm Debt and Sales Data Young, Beginning, and Small Farms debt and sales. County-Level for all states Farm Credit Administration
115 Harvested Acres Data Limited commodities listed by harvested acreage group. State-Level for California Only and US-Level San Joquin Valley
116 Irrigation Pumps Number of irrigation pumps with HP and hours operated. County-Level California Only California Air Resources Board
117 Number of Farms Number of Farms under 3 acres for every U.S. county. County-Level All States Ag Media Resources, Inc.
118 Market Value of Agricultural Products Sold Market value broken out by sales of $1Million to $5Million and $5Million and above for "Land in Farms", "Total Cropland", and "Harvested Cropland". US-Level Only John Deere
119 Median Income Median Income for Farm Women Operators. US-Level Only Farm Service Agency
120 Rice, Cotton, Corn, and Soybean Mean and Mode values for irrigation variables. County-Level Louisiana Only Louisiana State University
121 Aquaculture species List of species used in Census of Aquaculture. US-Level USDA - CSREES
122 Farm Cropland in CRP Cropland in CRP by percentage (100%, 75%, 50%, 25%) US-Level and State-Level Informa Economics
123 Equine in US Equine totals by size of farm which includes all horses, mules, and donkeys. US-Level and State-Level National Animal Health Monitoring Service, NAHMS
124 Texas Hispanic Farms Hispanic Principle Farmer Demographics (Male and Female) County-Level - State of Texas University of Texas
125 Cropland Acres Number of farms and cropland acres County-Level: State of Oregon Only Oregon Department of Agriculture
126 Water Usage Number of wells and other sources County-Level: State of Hawaii Only Hawaii Department of Agriculture
127 Number of farm animal types Cross Tabulation of farm animal types State-Level Animal and Plant Health inspection Service (APHIS)
128 Farm Production Expenses Total expenses for Hispanic and women operated farms State-Level Georgia Department of Agriculture
129 Livestock Feed Expense Feed expense with and without Poultry feed expenses using NAICS codes. A few western counties in Virginia USDA - Rural Development
130 Livestock Farm Counts Farm counts by inventory groupings for cattle, hogs, and poultry. Zip Code-Level - Pennsylvania Only Pennsylvania Department of Health
131 Farm Count by Value of Sales Value of Sales is broken down to 100K, 250K, 500K, and over 500K County-Level for IA, NE, SD, and WY Farm Credit Services of America
132 Crops Grown on More than 300K Acres List of crops that are grown on more than 300,000 acres in the United States. US Level Only Environmental Protection Agency
133 Seed Prices Corn and Soybean seed prices for IL,IN,IA,MO,OH. State-Level and Group Summary Iowa State University
134 Farm Production Expenses Summarized at the National level US Level Portland Cement Association
135 Farm Demographics 28 Two-dimensional tables on farm demographics California - State-Level California FarmLink
136 Chemical Usage Rate of distribution of Azinphos-methyl US - State-Level EPA
137 NAICS Labor Data Economic analysis of employment data US - State-Level Monitor Group
138 Race Data Race counts for LA, MS, AR County-Level (3 states) Louisiana Congressional Office
139 Farms selling over $1 Million of products Farms with sales over $1M in 15 eastern states County-Level (15 states) AgFirst Farm Credit Bank
140 Irrigation Water distribution Percentage of irrigated acres for each method of water distribution US - State-Level Rain Bird Corp.
141 2005 Washington Fruit Chemical Data 2005 Washington Fruit Chem Use data by crop, district, and timing District - Washington state only Washington State Dept. of Agriculture
142 Organic sales and direct sales 2002 Michigan organic sales and direct sales Michigan state only Michigan State Dept. of Agriculture
143 Misc. Poultry 1997 Poultry data using 2002 weights Georgia state only Georgia State Dept. of Agriculture
144 Fruit and Vegetable Farmer Profile Farmer stats on race, sex, sales County-Level for states: AL CA FL GA ID NC OR TX VA WA Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS)
145 Direct Sales Number of farms selling directly to individuals for human consumption South Carolina Only Clemson University
146 Upland Cotton Upland Cotton - Economic Class and Labor US-Level Oxfam America
147 Maple Syrup Maple Syrup Employment Data Vermont State Only Vermont Maple Foundation
148 Crops by Acres Harvested (subset) Black Farmers with crops grown listed by acres harvested. Similar to the county data table #23 format U.S. County-Level Environmental Working Group (EWG)
149 Corn Belt - Average Farm Size IL,IN,IA,KS,KY,MI,MN,MS,NE,OH,SD,WI - average farm size in acres. State-Level U.S. Grain Council
150 Cropland Harvested Acres Cropland acres for farms with corn, soybeans or cotton. Regional-Level Ipsos-Reid (Canada)
151 Farm Production Expenditures Expenditures summarized on a National and Regional level - 10 region summary (old format) Regional-Level Portland Cement Association
152 Dairy farms and maple syrup Number of dairy farms with maple syrup taps in the states: CT,MA,ME,NH,PA,RI,VT,NY State-Level Proctor Maple Research Center
153 Beef cow operations Farm demographics including economics County-Level (OR Only) Oregon State University
154 Farm counts Farm counts for cattle, goats, hogs, and sheep County-Level (All US) RTI International
155 Land Irrigation Sprinkler irrigation by county County-Level (TX Only) High Plains Water District
156 Farm counts Number of farms and Acreage by sales County-Level (MD Only) MD Field Office, NASS
157 Farm counts Farms with Hispanic operators by on-farm related income County-Level (ID,MT,OR,WA,AK) Farm Credit Services
158 Farm counts of organic growers Number of female operators who are certified organic growers by county, for states: AL,CT,DE,FL,GA,KY,ME,MD,MA,MS,NH, NJ,NY,NC,OH,PA,RI,SC,TN,VT,VA,WV County-Level (East Coast States) USDA - NRCS
159 Sheep count Number of sheep in United States, 1867-2007 US-Level Bureau of Land Management
160 Rice Market & Price Long rice and (Med + Short) rice: cwt and price. State-Level (AR, CA, MS, TX, LA) and US-Level Whatley Drake & Kallas LLC
161 Livestock count Livestock count County-Level (NE Only) NE Field Office, NASS
162 Farm Sales less than $1000. Farms with sales less than $1,000 within $100 increments and same farms within this group who received govt payments but had no sales. US-Level USDA - Office of Chief Economist (OCE)
163 Farm counts Farm commodity groups that were sold, plus sales of forest products. County-Level - Lincoln County, Oregon Only Oregon State University (OSU)
164 Corn for silage acreage on dairy farms Corn for silage acreage on dairy farms for California counties in the San Joaquin Valley (Fresno, Kern, Kings, Madera, Merced, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Tulare). County-Level - California San Joaquin Valley Resource Seeds, Inc.
165 Broiler data Broiler data - inventory and number sold Crop Reporting District (CRD) level in Indiana Purdue University.
166 Cattle Death Loss For 2000 Cattle death loss due to respiratory and weather-related issues. U.S. State-Level Middlebury College
167 Cattle Losses due to Wolves Number of adult cattle and calf losses attributable to wolves. Idaho State-Level APHIS Wildlife Services (USDA)
168 Sales by State Sales (TVP) by state, particularly including a $1 to $15,000 sales category. State-Level USDA - NRCS
169 Average Value of Land and Buildings Average Value of Land and Buildings by County for 1987, 1992, 1997, and 2002. County-Level Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
170 Tractors Number of tractors less than 40HP by acres owned 1-5 acres and 6-10 acres Zip Code-Level Land Capital
171 Operation's Land Rented Percent of operation's land rented (Tenure) and other demographic info like: household income, Off-farm work days, Years on present farm, Age, and households supported. State-Level Iowa State University
172 Farm numbers Farm numbers on Dairy cattle, Beef cattle, Swine, Poultry, Goats, Horses, Sheep, Corn, Cotton, Wheat, Soybeans, Potatoes, Rice. US-Level USDA - NRCS
173 Price and Marketings for Rice Long, Medium, and Short rice prices for states: LA MS TX CA. (See: #160 above) State-Level Whatley Drake & Kallas, LLC
174 Minority Poultry Farms Farm operations with 200 head or more of layers, broilers, or pullets and African Americans and women farmers. State-Level Mississippi Only USDA - NRCS
175 Number of Farms in Oregon Number of farms with over 3000 head of cattle for the following counties in Oregon: Baker, Gilliam, Grant, Morrow, Union, Umatilla, Wallowa, and Wheeler. County-Level Oregon Only Western Washington University (WWU)
176 Inventory of Livestock Inventory for the top 5 ranchers for six types of livestock (beef cows, milk cows, layers, broilers, turkeys, hogs and pigs). US-Level Government Accounting Office (GAO)
177 Market value of Artichokes, Corn, Sugarcane, and Sunflower Number and revenue of artichokes, corn, sugarcane, and sunflower producing farms by market value. Number of artichoke farms of different market value of agricultural products sold by NAICS. US-Level Abt Associates, Inc.
178 Corn and Rice Monthly Marketing and Price Corn monthly marketing for Arkansas in 2004 to 2006 and Long grain rice monthly marketing and price for Arkansas in 2006 to 2007. State-Level Arkansas Only Farm Service Agency - USDA.
179 Milk Cow Operations by County Milk cow operations by county in two northwestern states. County-Level Washington and Oregon Only. Western Washington University.
180 Black Farmers by NAICS in North Carolina. Number of Farms and Market Value of Ag Products Sold and Government Payments by NAICS for Black Principal Operators. State-Level - North Carolina Only. NC Field Office.
181 Acreage Race data 2002 Corn, Soy, and Cotton Acreage by Race; additionally, 6 U.S. dot-maps where every race farms US-Level Monsanto Company.
182 Farm counts for govt payments and prod contracts Counts of farms with and without govt payments, production contracts, and horses in counties with heavy Amish populations. County-Level: limited counties in IO,OH,PA,IN. University of Missouri.
183 Land Irrigation (Same as HQ0155) Sprinkler irrigation by county. County-Level Minnesota Only University of Minnesota.
184 Blueberries Operators less than 40 years old. State-Level, All US Ellsworth American Magazine.
185 Direct Sales Direct sales: top 30 states by total sales and by average sales, top counties by total sales and by average sales County-Level, All US NH Commissioner of Agriculture.
186 Top Counties by Direct Sales Top 150 counties ranked by direct sales. County-Level, All US USDA - NRCS - Virginia
187 People on Farms in Ohio Number of people in farm households in the state of Ohio by county. County-Level, OH only University of Illinois
188 Average Size Farm in Alabama Average size farm in Alabama. County-Level, AL only NASS NC-FO
189 Farm Demographics for Almond Producers Farm demographics for almond producers in California. Includes sex, ethnicity, age, race, and acres State-Level, CA only Almond Board of California
7513 New Farms and Young Farmers Number of new farms (in business less than 10 years) and young farmers (less than 36 years of age) State Level - CT, MA, NH, NJ, and NY only First Pioneer Farm Credit
Part B: Additional Information - 2002
ID Reference Number Date Released Source Request Contact
83 HQ0083 6/04/04 2002 Census of Agriculture Steve Logan (NASS)
84 HQ0084 9/10/04 2002 Census of Agriculture Jason Gray (SRDI)
85 HQ0085 9/14/04 2002 Census of Agriculture Terry Nelson (NRCS-OR)
86 HQ0086 9/09/04 2002 Census of Agriculture Ludwig Schneider
87 HQ0087 9/24/04 2002 Census of Agriculture Brad Parks (NASS-IA)
88 HQ0088 10/01/04 2002 Census of Agriculture Gary Keough (NASS)
89 HQ0089 10/07/04 1998 Census of Aquaculture Erin Henderson (FWS)
90 HQ0090 10/20/04 2002 Census of Agriculture Gail Gregory (NASS)
91 HQ0091 10/20/04 2002 Census of Agriculture James Smith (APHIS)
92 HQ0092 10/25/04 2002 Census of Agriculture Keith Collins (USDA)
93 HQ0093 11/05/04 2002 Census of Agriculture Joe Horner
94 HQ0094 11/15/04 2002 Census of Agriculture Daniel Carroll
95 HQ0095 11/20/04 2002 Census of Agriculture Rex Sprietsma
96 HQ0096 12/01/04 2002 Census of Agriculture Janice Goodwin (NASS-OR)
97 HQ0097 12/01/04 2002 Census of Agriculture Tasha Knutsen
98 HQ0098 12/01/04 2002 Census of Agriculture Karen Oerter
99 HQ0099 12/01/04 2002 Census of Agriculture George Hill, NAHMS
100 HQ0100 08/05/03 1997 Census of Agriculture Janice Goodwin (NASS-OR)
101 HQ0101 12/05/04 1997 Census of Agriculture Lyndsy Mlady (student)
102 HQ0102 09/09/02 1997 Census of Agriculture Congressional Research Service
103 HQ0103 03/04/03 1997 Census of Agriculture Russell Redding (PA-Dept. of Ag.)
104 HQ0104 02/04/04 1997 Census of Agriculture Dr. Jennifer Taylor (Florida A&M)
105 HQ0105 12/05/04 2002 Census of Agriculture Jay Guerber, USDA-AMS
106 HQ0106 01/14/05 2002 Census of Agriculture Shelley Drazen, NY Dept. of Labor
107 HQ0107 02/04/05 2002 Census of Agriculture Krieg Brown, Industrial Economics, Inc.
108 HQ0108 02/14/05 2002 Census of Agriculture John J. Hays, Farm Credit Council
109 HQ0109 03/08/05 2002 Census of Agriculture James S. Owens, AgChoice Farm Credit
110 HQ0110 03/18/05 2002 Census of Agriculture Jeanne Reeves, Cotton Incorporated
111 HQ0111 04/14/05 2002 Census of Agriculture Jim Johnson, OR, Dept. of Ag
112 HQ0112 05/10/05 2002 Census of Agriculture Jay Guerber, Agricultural Marketing Service
113 HQ0113 05/18/05 2002 Census of Agriculture Jeffrey Gregrow, Cornell University
114 HQ0114 05/23/05 2002 Census of Agriculture John Moore, Farm Credit Administration
115 HQ0115 05/14/05 2002 Census of Agriculture San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
116 HQ0116 06/08/05 2003 Farm and Ranch Irrigation Survey Carol McLaughlin, California Air Resources Board
117 HQ0117 06/09/05 2002 Census of Agriculture Ron Claussen, Ag Media Resources, Inc.
118 HQ0118 07/12/05 2002 Census of Agriculture Wilgosh Curtis, John Deere
119 HQ0119 07/26/05 2002 Census of Agriculture Sarah Hoffman, NASS for FSA
120 HQ0120 08/22/05 2003 Farm and Ranch Irrigation Survey Mike Salassi, Louisiana State University
121 HQ0121 10/04/05 1998 Census of Aquaculture Gary Jensen, USDA-CSREES
122 HQ0122 10/12/05 2002 Census of Agriculture Joseph Somers, Informa Economics
123 HQ0123 11/09/05 2002 Census of Agriculture George Hill, NAHMS
124 HQ0124 11/29/05 2002 Census of Agriculture Alberto Canales, UT
125 HQ0125 12/07/05 2002 Census of Agriculture Jim Johnson, Oregon - DOA
126 HQ0126 12/21/05 2003 Farm and Ranch Irrigation Survey Steve Gunn, Hawaii - DOA
127 HQ0127 03/28/06 2002 Census of Agriculture George Hill, APHIS
128 HQ0128 02/28/06 1997 and 2002 Census of Agriculture Mario Delgado, Georgia - DOA
129 HQ0129 03/02/06 2002 Census of Agriculture David Chesnick, USDA-RD
130 HQ0130 04/05/06 2002 Census of Agriculture Enzo Campagnolo - PA Dept. of Health
131 HQ0131 05/09/06 2002 Census of Agriculture Brenda Naughton, FCSA
132 HQ0132 05/24/06 2002 Census of Agriculture Anthony Gilbert, EPA
133 HQ0133 07/12/06 2002 Census of Agriculture GianCarlo Moschini, Iowa State University
134 HQ0134 10/02/06 2005 ARMS Data Ashley Binion, Portland Cement Association
135 HQ0135 10/12/06 1982-1992-2002 Census of Agriculture John Guardino, California FarmLink
136 HQ0136 10/24/06 2005 Chemical Usage Tim Kiely, EPA
137 HQ0137 11/06/06 2002 Census of Agriculture Pedro Arboleda, Monitor Group
138 HQ0138 11/07/06 2002 Census of Agriculture Nathan Crisp, NASS LA-FO
139 HQ0139 11/14/06 2002 Census of Agriculture Gregg Steinmeyer, AgFirst Farm Credit Bank
140 HQ0140 12/13/06 2003 Farm and Ranch Irrigation Survey (FRIS) John A McHugh, Rain Bird Corp.
141 HQ0141 1/26/07 2005 Fruit Chemical Usage Joe Parsons, NASS WA-FO
142 HQ0142 3/01/07 2002 Census of Agriculture David Conner, NASS MI-FO
143 HQ0143 3/01/07 2002 Census of Agriculture Darin Jantzi (NASS)
144 HQ0144 3/01/07 2002 Census of Agriculture Jay Guerber, AMS-USDA
145 HQ0145 4/01/07 1997, 2002 Census of Agriculture Carlos Carpio, Clemson University
146 HQ0146 5/20/07 2002 Census of Agriculture Allison Curley, Oxfam America
147 HQ0147 5/31/07 2002 Census of Agriculture Catherine Stevens, Vermont Maple Foundation
148 HQ0148 7/06/07 2002 Census of Agriculture Chris Campbell, EWG
149 HQ0149 8/06/07 2002 Census of Agriculture Kim Ckarst, U.S. Grain Council
150 HQ0150 8/21/07 1997 + 2002 Census of Agriculture Marinus Van Dijk, Ipsos-Reid (Canada)
151 HQ0151 8/23/07 ARMS III Ninab Maradkel, Portland Cement Association
152 HQ0152 9/06/07 2002 Census of Agriculture Tim Wilmot, Proctor Maple Research Center
153 HQ0153 9/18/07 2002 Census of Agriculture John Tanaka, Oregon State University
154 HQ0154 9/20/07 2002 Census of Agriculture James Cajka, RTI International
155 HQ0155 10/05/07 2003 Farm & Irrigation Survey (FRIS) Scott Orr, High Plains Water District
156 HQ0156 10/12/07 2002 Census of Agriculture Barbara Rater, MD FO - NASS
157 HQ0157 10/22/07 2002 Census of Agriculture Wendy Knopp, Farm Credit Services
158 HQ0158 10/31/07 2002 Census of Agriculture Gail Brant, USDA-NRCS
159 HQ0159 10/24/07 2002 Census of Agriculture Nicholas Pay - Bureau of Land Management
160 HQ0160 11/16/07 2002 Census of Agriculture Adam Plant - Whatley Drake & Kallas LLC
161 HQ0161 11/19/07 2002 Census of Agriculture Dean Groskurth, NE FO - NASS
162 HQ0162 01/08/08 2002 Census of Agriculture Bradley Karmen, USDA - Office of Chief Economist (OCE)
163 HQ0163 01/10/08 2002 Census of Agriculture Kim Grossen, Oregon State University (OSU)
164 HQ0164 02/07/08 2002 Census of Agriculture George Fohner, Resource Seeds, Inc.
165 HQ0165 02/07/08 2002 Census of Agriculture Justin Quear, Purdue University
166 HQ0166 02/07/08 2001 Cattle Survey Nicholas Muller, Middlebury College
167 HQ0167 02/19/08 2006 survey of cattle producers in Idaho. Mark Collinge, APHIS
168 HQ0168 02/20/08 2002 Census of Agriculture James D. Rowe, NRCS
169 HQ0169 02/28/08 2002 Census of Agriculture Bil Weigand, BLM
170 HQ0170 03/14/08 2002 Census of Agriculture Lee Whiting, Land Capital
171 HQ0171 04/02/08 2002 Census of Agriculture Michael Duffy, ISU
172 HQ0172 04/24/08 2002 Census of Agriculture Kelsi Bracmort, NRCS
173 HQ0173 03/18/08 2002 Census of Agriculture Adam Plant - Whatley Drake & Kallas, LLC
174 HQ0174 05/19/08 2002 Census of Agriculture David Brunson, NRCS
175 HQ0175 06/05/08 2002 Census of Agriculture Jason Boyd, Student WWU
176 HQ0176 06/06/08 2002 Census of Agriculture Yacenia Camarillo, GAO
177 HQ0177 05/21/08 2002 Census of Agriculture Albert Acquaye, Abt Associates, Inc.
178 HQ0178 06/05/08 Monthly Prices Received Survey Clay Medford, USDA - FSA.
179 HQ0179 06/23/08 2002 Census of Agriculture Jason Boyd, Student WWU.
180 HQ0180 08/06/08 2002 Census of Agriculture Archie Hart, NC.
181 HQ0181 08/12/08 2002 Census of Agriculture Katie Hayes, Monsanto.
182 HQ0182 08/14/08 2002 Census of Agriculture Mat Elliott, Student MU.
183 HQ0183 08/18/08 2003 Farm & Irrigation Survey (FRIS) Brian Walseth, Researcher Minnesota.
184 HQ0184 08/18/08 1982, 1992, 2002 Census of Agriculture Madeline Lewis, The Ellsworth American.
185 HQ0185 10/08/08 2002 Census of Agriculture Lorraine Merrill, NH Commissioner of Ag.
186 HQ0186 12/22/08 2002 Census of Agriculture Cory Guilliams, USDA-NRCS VA.
187 HQ0187 02/03/09 2002 Census of Agriculture Linda Forst, University of Illinois.
188 HQ0188 02/19/09 1992 Census of Agriculture Tony Dorn, NASS NC-FO.
189 HQ0189 05/05/09 2002 Census of Agriculture Lori Gerhardt - Almond Board of California.
7513 HQ7513 07/08/09 2002 Census of Agriculture Elizabeth Lyman, First Pioneer Farm Credit.

For additional information contact the Data Lab Administrator. This page was updated on Tuesday, June 24, 2012.

Last Modified: 02/06/2025