2012 Census of Agriculture Infographics

Infographics feature information about the #AgCensus, including results and importance of the data. Download and share the files in various formats and sizes.

Farmers Marketing

Infographic of Farmers Marketing Format:   PDF   |   JPG (high resolution)   |   JPG (low resolution)

On-Farm Renewable Energy

Infographic of On-Farm Renewable Energy Format:   PDF   |   JPG (high resolution)   |   JPG (low resolution)

Importance of the Census of Agriculture

Infographic of the Importance of the Census of Agriculture Format:   PDF   |   JPG (high resolution)   |   JPG (low resolution)

The Faces of U.S. Agriculture

Infographic of The Faces of U.S. Agriculture Format:   PDF   |   JPG (high resolution)   |   JPG (low resolution)

Geography of U.S. Agriculture

Infographic of Geography of U.S. Agriculture Format:   PDF   |   JPG (high resolution)   |   JPG (low resolution)

U.S. Agriculture Practices

Infographic of U.S. Agriculture Practices Format:   PDF   |   JPG (high resolution)   |   JPG (low resolution)

U.S. Agriculture Production

Infographic of U.S. Agriculture Production Format:   PDF   |   JPG (high resolution)   |   JPG (low resolution)

Last Modified: 07/17/2018   
