
Agricultural Chemical Use Program

chemical use

The NASS Agricultural Chemical Use Program is USDA’s official source of statistics about on-farm chemical use and pest management practices. Since 1990, NASS has surveyed U.S. farmers to collect information on the chemical ingredients they apply to agricultural commodities through fertilizers and pesticides. On a rotating basis, the program currently includes fruits; vegetables; major field crops such as cotton, corn, potatoes, soybeans, and wheat; and nursery and floriculture crops.

The program also collects information on the pest management practices farmers implement to reduce their dependence on agricultural chemicals (e.g., practices that make pesticides more effective or are an alternative to pesticides).  Historically, data were also periodically collected on chemicals used post harvest and in livestock production. Data through 2010 continue to be available.

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Methodology and Quality Measures

Chemical Usage: Field Crops
May 10, 2024
May 12, 2023
May 13, 2022
May 14, 2021
May 8, 2020
May 10, 2019
May 11, 2018
May 12, 2017
May 13, 2016
May 14, 2015
May 14, 2014
May 15, 2013
May 16, 2012

Chemical Usage: Fruit
July 17, 2024
July 20, 2022
July 22, 2020
July 25, 2018
August 1, 2012

Chemical Usage: Vegetables
July 19, 2023
July 21, 2021
July 24, 2019
July 27, 2011
About the Data

Each survey focuses on the top-producing states that together account for the majority of U.S. acres or production of the surveyed commodity. Data are available at the state level for all surveyed states, as well as at a multi-state level including all surveyed states. Data items published include:

  • Percentage acreage treated, number of applications, rates of application, and total amounts applied of the primary macronutrients nitrogen (N), phosphate (P2O5) , and potash (K2O) as well as (since 2005) the secondary macronutrient sulfur (S). Available annually for field crops, intermittently for fruits and vegetables..
  • Percentage acreage or production treated, number of applications, rates of application, and total amounts applied of the individual active ingredients composing all registered pesticides used. Active ingredients are classified as herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, or other (regulators, desiccants, etc.), according to the pesticide product classification. Rates and amounts applied are published in the acid or metallic equivalent, as applicable. Selected items available for all commodity programs.
  • Percentage acreage or production treated, number of applications, rates of application, and total amounts applied of the individual active ingredients composing all registered pesticides used. Active ingredients are classified as herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, or other (regulators, desiccants, etc.), according to the pesticide product classification. Rates and amounts applied are published in the acid or metallic equivalent, as applicable. Selected items available for all commodity programs.

Who Uses the Data?

NASS collects information directly from growers, who participate voluntarily and on a confidential basis. The data are fact-based and report actual chemical use. The growers benefit directly and indirectly when public and private organizations rely on these accurate, timely data in making decisions about health, environment, safety, trade, and other issues. Some examples of how the data are used:

  • USDA —to evaluate the safety of the nation’s food supply, assess risks and benefits, make decisions about product registrations, quantify the benefits of conservation practices, and market commodities internationally.
  • U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) — to assess the quality of the nation’s streams, rivers, and groundwater; the impact of human activities; and the effectiveness of integrated pest management.
  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) — to include actual use levels in product reviews. Without NASS survey information, EPA could assume higher levels are applied, thereby over counting chemical use, overestimating risk, and perhaps cancelling registrations for chemicals farmers rely on. 
  • State government agencies — to assess pesticides’ impacts on water quality and to evaluate the need for special pesticide registrations and emergency exemptions.
  • Chemical manufacturers — to make research and development, marketing, and other business decisions.
  • Commodity groups — to help establish industry trends and educate stakeholders.
  • Public interest organizations — to educate the public and represent the public interest in policy discussions about pesticides and pest management.
  • Researchers — to study important issues such as sustainability and the impact of integrated pest management.

Chemical Use Survey Partnerships

Currently, NASS conducts chemical use surveys for field crops in cooperation with the USDA’s Economic Research Service as part of the Agricultural Resource Management Survey program.

To maximize public benefits, reduce overlap, and minimize federal and state costs, NASS also develops partnerships with state agencies either to use data a state collects itself (for example, California) or to collect additional data for a state (examples include Minnesota, North Dakota, Washington, and Wisconsin).

Last Modified: 03/19/2025