Current Survey Activities

Major NASS/NASDA Survey Activities
    • June Surveys: The June Agricultural Production Survey for acreage and on-farm grain stocks begins in late May and continues through mid-June. This survey measures acres planted of several of the major crops grown in Arizona and the United States. Off Farm Grain Stocks and the Hog Report will also be conducted during this time frame. A June Agricultural Yield Survey will be conducted for Arizona’s second durum wheat production forecast. The Ag Resource Management Survey (ARMS I) will continue through the end of June. This data collection effort screens for farm activity during 2024 in preparation for the ARMS III (Economic) Survey conducted in the spring of 2025.
    • July Surveys: In addition to the normal monthly surveys (Ag Prices, Cattle On Feed, etc.) the quarterly Milk Production Survey will be conducted to determine the number of milk cows as of July 1 and total milk produced in June. The final small grain Agricultural Yield Survey will wrap up in early July.
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Last Modified: 06/21/2024