88 USDA - National Agricultural Statistics Service 2012 Census of Agriculture - Ag Atlas Maps, Crops and Plants

2017 Census Ag Atlas Maps

Long Descriptions of Maps

Map 17-M207
Number of Farms: 2017
Dot distribution map showing the number of farms in 2017. Each dot represents 200 farms. Largest concentrations of farms are in the eastern half of the United States. United States total: 2,042,220.


Map 17-M208
Cattle and Calves - Inventory: 2017
Dot distribution map showing Cattle and Calves inventory for 2017. Each dot represents 10,000 cattle and calves. Largest concentrations of cattle are in the Upper Midwest and Great Plains. United States total: 93,648,041.


Map 17-M209
Milk Cows - Inventory: 2017
Dot distribution map showing milk cow inventory in 2017. Each dot represents 2.000 milk cows. Largest concentrations are in California, Idaho, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and New York. United States total: 9,539,631.


Map 17-M210
Beef Cows - Inventory: 2017
Dot distribution map showing beef cow inventory in 2017. Each dot represents 2,500 beef cows. Largest concentrations are from Texas to North Dakota along with Kentucky, Tennessee, and Florida. United States total: 31,722,039.


Map 17-M211
Hogs and Pigs - Inventory: 2017
Dot distribution map showing hog and pig inventory for 2017. Each dot represents 20,000 hogs and pigs. Largest concentrations of hogs and pigs are in Iowa and North Carolina. United States total: 72,381,007.


Map 17-M212
Sheep and Lambs - Inventory: 2017
Dot distribution map showing sheep and lamb inventory for 2017. Each dot represents 1,000 sheep and lambs. Largest concentrations of sheep and lambs are in Texas, California, and Colorado. United States total: 5,391,252.


Map 17-M213
Number of Broilers and Other Meat-Type Chickens Sold: 2017
Dot distribution map showing broiler and other meat-type chickens sold in 2017. Each dot represents 2,000,000 broilers and other meat-type chickens sold. Largest concentrations of broilers sold are in the Southeastern U.S. and Mid-Atlantic states. United States total: 8,889,759,283.


Map 17-M214
Corn for Grain, Harvested Acres: 2017
Dot distribution map showing harvested acres of corn for grain in 2017. Each dot represents 10,000 acres. Largest concentrations of acres are in the Central Midwest. United States total: 84,738,562.


Map 17-M215
All Wheat for Grain, Harvested Acres: 2017
Dot distribution map showing harvested acres of all wheat for grain in 2017. Each dot represents 10,000 acres. Largest concentrations of acres are in the Northwest, North Central and Central Plains states. United States total: 38,811,620.


Map 17-M216
Rice, Harvested Acres: 2017
Dot distribution map showing harvested acres of rice in 2017. Each dot represents 3,000 acres. Largest concentrations of acres are in Arkansas, Louisiana, and California. United States total: 2,395,054.


Map 17-M217
All Cotton, Harvested Acres: 2017
Dot distribution map showing harvested acres of all cotton in 2017. Each dot represents 5,000 acres. Largest concentrations of acres are in the South Central, Southeast and Mississippi Delta states. United States total: 11,401,965.


Map 17-M218
Tobacco, Harvested Acres: 2017
Dot distribution map showing harvested acres of tobacco in 2017. Each dot represents 500 acres. Largest concentrations of acres are in the East Central states. United States total: 331,552.


Map 17-M219
Soybeans for Beans, Harvested Acres: 2017
Dot distribution map showing harvested acres of soybeans for beans in 2017. Each dot represents 10,000 acres. Largest concentrations of acres are in the Midwestern and Mississippi Delta states. United States total: 90,149,480.


Map 17-M220
Potatoes, Harvested Acres: 2017
Dot distribution map showing harvested acres of potatoes in 2017. Each dot represents 1,000 acres. Largest concentrations of acres are in Southern Idaho and Eastern Washington. United States total: 1,133,128.


Map 17-M221
Vegetables, Acres Harvested for Sale: 2017
Dot distribution map showing harvested acres of vegetables for sale in 2017. Each dot represents 1,000 acres. Largest concentrations of acres are in the West Coast, Upper Midwest, Great Lakes and Southeastern states, and Idaho. United States total: 4,365,149.


Map 17-M222
Total Acres of Apples: 2017
Dot distribution map showing total acres of apples in 2017. Each dot represents 500 acres. Largest concentrations of acres are in Central Washington, Western New York and Western Michigan. United States total: 381,718.


Last Modified: 04/03/2019   
