2022 Census of Agriculture and Census Special Study Ads

Below are print and web ads that can be used in your organization’s newsletter, on your website, or social media to encourage producers to be counted in upcoming surveys and/or to be aware of upcoming results.

Print Ads
Man with sheep reads data now availale.

5" x 7" at print size (300dpi at 100%)
Format: JPG | PNG | PDF

Woman with lillies reads data now availale.

5" x 7" at print size (300dpi at 100%)
Format: JPG | PNG | PDF

Man in greenhouse reads data now availale.

5" x 7" at print size (300dpi at 100%)
Format: JPG | PNG | PDF

Picture of coffee beans with text - The Ag Census counts because we count on Puerto Rico agriculture. Puerto Rico Data now available.

5" x 7" at print size (300dpi at 100%)
Format: PNG | PDF

(Spanish Version) Picture of coffee beans with text - The Ag Census counts because we count on Puerto Rico agriculture. Puerto Rico Data now available.

5" x 7" at print size (300dpi at 100%)
Format: PNG | PDF

Digital Ads
2022 Census of Agriculture - Data now available

800 x 400 px (300dpi at 100%)
Format: JPG | PNG

2022 Census of Agriculture - Data now available

Spanish version: 800 x 400 px (300dpi at 100%)
Format: JPG | PNG

NOTE: High-resolution print ads can be created with this design in either color or black & white. As each publication has its own ad specifications, please send the necessary size, color and print file type (e.g. PDF) with your print ad request to SM.NASS.OA.PAO@usda.gov.


Last Modified: 07/18/2024