
Current Agricultural Industrial Reports Program

Current Agricultural Industrial Reports Program Survey

The National Agricultural Statistics Service has developed a new survey program to collect data on key agriculture industries. The Current Agricultural Industrial Reports (CAIR) program collects and provides agriculture industry data previously published by the Census Bureau in its Current Industrial Reports (CIR) program which discontinued in 2011.

Current Agricultural Industrial Reports covers the following sectors: Flour Milling, Ethanol, Cotton, and Fats and Oils.

The CAIR program provides timely and accurate estimates of production and storage of specific agricultural manufactured products. Five surveys conducted monthly or quarterly are used to produce four reports. See “About the Data” for a list of some of the data items that are published. The purpose of the data published is to inform public sector economic policy decisions and for market analysis, forecasting, and decision making in the private sector.

NASS has a strong history protecting its respondents’ individual data, as required by federal law. Survey responses are confidential and used only in combination with similar reports from other producers. Title 7, U.S. Code, Section 2276 and the Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act prohibit disclosure of individual information.

Respond Online

Click here to complete your survey online. Remember you will need your unique survey code to sign in.

Contact Information

For more information on NASS’ Current Agricultural Industrial Reports, please contact the Census Section at (202) 690-8747 or by email at

About the Data

Each survey focuses on establishments that together account for the majority of that industry in the United States or production of the surveyed commodity. Data are available at the National level. Data items published include:

  • Ethanol co-products
  • Flour Milling Production and Capacity
  • Production and Stocks of Edible and Inedible Fats and Oils
  • Consumption, Stocks, and Spindle Activity on the Cotton System
  • Crushings and Stocks of Raw Materials at Oil Mills
  • Fats and Oil Warehouse Stocks
Who Uses the Data?

NASS collects information directly from industry representatives, who participate on a confidential basis. The data are fact-based and report actual production, consumption, and stocks. The producers benefit directly and indirectly when public and private organizations rely on these accurate, timely data in making decisions about health, environment, safety, trade, and other issues. Some examples of how the data are used:

  • United States Bureau of Economic Analysis – to prepare quarterly estimates of gross national product.
  • United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service and the Office of the Chief Economist – to provide regular estimates of production, shipments, inventories and consumption of specific manufacturing products.
  • United States Bureau of Labor Statistics – to develop price indexes and estimates of productivity.
  • Federal Reserve Board – to prepare monthly indexes of industrial production.
  • International Trade Administration – to monitor effect of international trade on domestic production and meet responsibilities under the Trade Act, assess production trends, and forecast future industrial activity.
  • Private Industry – to monitor effect of international trade on domestic production, evaluate relationship between company and industry performances, market analyses, assess current business conditions, and plan future operations.

Last Modified: 07/09/2024