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wheat graphic1999 North Dakota Wheat Varieties

July 26, 1999


The leading 1999 North Dakota spring wheat varieties were 2375, Russ, Amidon, and Gunner. Of the 5.7 million acres of spring wheat planted in North Dakota, the top four varieties accounted for 52.8 percent of the total.

The durum wheat variety Ben, moved up to the top spot, pushing Renville and Monroe from their number one and two positions after six years on top. Rugby and Munich claimed the fourth and fifth positions. These five varieties made up 83.1 percent of the 3.55 million acres planted in North Dakota.

Roughrider maintained the top winter wheat variety despite dropping to 25.4 percent of North Dakota's 50,000 acres planted. Elkhorn, Seward, and Arapahoe were the second, third, and fourth leading varieties.


The average starting date for fieldwork was April 22 this year, which falls between last year's starting date of April 18 and the five-year (1994-1998) average of April 26. Planting was ahead of average the beginning of May, but numerous untimely rains saturated the soil, slowing planting progress. By mid-May planting progress for small grains was behind the five-year average. It was not until the third week of June that producers finished seeding, nearly a week behind average.
Crop conditions throughout June into July remained mostly good for both spring wheat and durum wheat.


This narrative presents the results of a June survey conducted by USDA's North Dakota Agricultural Statistics Service. The results were taken from a cross-section of North Dakota wheat producers. Approximately 1,250 farm operators reported spring wheat, and more than 600 reported durum wheat. Thank you to each person who supplied data and made this report possible.

Results include acreage and percentages at the state and Agricultural Statistics District levels. All variety data and planted district acreage in this publication are survey averages, not official estimates. The number of summarized reports produce highly reliable state averages. At a district level, the number of reports for minor varieties is generally limited, hence some of the yearly variation in the district averages may be the result of sample variation.

The North Dakota Wheat Commission and the North Dakota State University (NDSU) Agriculture Experiment Station provided supporting funds for this survey. The NDSU Extension Service provided variety descriptions. Free copies of the publication are available from the North Dakota Wheat Commission, 4023 State Street, Bismarck, ND 58501; telephone 701-328-5111.


For the sixth consecutive year, 2375 was the leading spring wheat variety. The percentage of 2375 to all spring wheat declined from 36.1 percent in 1998 to 25.5 percent in 1999. The northeast, east central, and southeast districts contained 61.7 percent of the variety in the state. 2375 is a semi-dwarf variety with medium straw strength, medium-early maturity, and high test weight.

Russ moved up from third to the second most popular variety. It accounting for 14.4 percent of the spring wheat acres, compared to 8.3 percent last year. It was planted throughout the state and was a leading variety in the central district. Russ has medium height and straw strength, medium-early maturity rate, average test weight, and average protein.

The number three spot went to Amidon with 6.7 percent of the planted acreage, up from 5.3 percent in 1998. It has not held this high a position since 1993. Amidon was the leading variety in the northwest and west central districts with no reported acres in the northeast and east central districts. It is characterized by medium height, medium straw strength, medium maturity, high test weight, and average protein.

Gunner plantings ranked fourth representing 6.2 percent, up from .8 percent last year. It is described as having medium height, medium-strong straw strength, medium maturity, high test weight, and high protein.

Spring Wheat Area Chart
Spring Wheat Pie Chart
Percent of Acreage Planted, North Dakota, 1995-99 
Variety  1995  1996  1997  1998  1999 
Pct.  Acres 
- - - - - - - - Percent - - - - - - - -  (000) 
2375  38 .0  40 .0  42 .1  36 .1  25 .5  1,454.7 
Russ  0 .0  0 .2  4 .5  8 .3  14 .4  818.8 
Amidon  8 .3  6 .8  7 .2  5 .3  6 .7  380.0 
Gunner  0 .0  0 .0  0 .1  0 .8  6 .2  353.7 
Oxen  0 .0  0 .0  0 .4  2 .3  6 .1  347.4 
Grandin  18 .2  13 .5  9 .3  7 .6  6 .1  345.5 
AC Barrie  0 .0  0 .0  0 .7  8 .8  4 .7  268.8 
2398  0 .2  0 .6  1 .2  2 .8  4 .6  264.8 
Butte 86  10 .1  9 .4  7 .6  5 .7  3 .9  219.8 
Trenton  0 .0  0 .0  0 .2  1 .7  2 .4  137.5 
Kulm  0 .3  1 .9  2 .7  2 .0  2 .3  133.8 
Keene  0 .0  0 .0  0 .0  0 .2  2 .2  125.7 
Ernest  0 .0  0 .2  1 .3  1 .3  1 .5  87.5 
McNeal  0 .0  0 .0  0 .7  1 .0  1 .5  83.4 
Sharp  3 .5  6 .0  3 .4  1 .9  1 .2  69.1 
2371  3 .3  3 .2  2 .3  2 .7  1 .1  60.4 
Verde  0 .0  0 .2  0 .7  0 .7  1 .0  56.2 
Len  1 .5  1 .2  1 .0  0 .9  0 .9  50.7 
Forge  0 .0  0 .0  0 .0  0 .2  0 .9  49.0 
Other  16 .6  16 .8  14 .6  9 .7  6 .8  393.2 
All Varieties  100 .0  100 .0  100 .0  100 .0  100 .0  5,700.0 
Percent and Acreage Planted, North Dakota, 1999 
Variety  Northwest  North 
Northeast  West 
Central  East 
Southwest  South 
Southeast  State 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Percent Planted - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
2375  5 .9  25 .4  20 .1  13 .1  21 .2  57 .8  19 .7  20 .4  31 .3  25 .5 
Russ  2 .8  20 .5  21 .5  3 .4  32 .0  15 .2  1 .3  6 .8  25 .1  14 .4 
Amidon  22 .9  7 .2  0 .0  23 .6  6 .7  0 .0  2 .1  12 .3  0 .5  6 .7 
Gunner  5 .1  11 .3  21 .1  2 .5  5 .3  4 .0  0 .9  0 .6  0 .0  6 .2 
Oxen  0 .0  0 .0  3 .4  0 .3  5 .2  10 .8  2 .0  3 .9  23 .4  6 .1 
Grandin  14 .6  8 .6  2 .0  12 .2  1 .3  0 .1  11 .9  9 .5  1 .3  6 .1 
AC Barrie  2 .9  9 .9  16 .6  0 .6  2 .2  2 .6  0 .0  4 .2  0 .2  4 .7 
2398  3 .3  1 .8  0 .0  11 .3  0 .3  0 .0  17 .9  5 .5  1 .1  4 .6 
Butte 86  4 .4  3 .3  1 .9  1 .4  4 .9  0 .6  4 .9  7 .0  8 .2  3 .9 
Trenton  0 .0  6 .3  0 .1  4 .1  0 .0  0 .0  8 .5  3 .7  0 .9  2 .4 
Kulm  3 .0  0 .0  0 .0  4 .6  2 .8  0 .0  5 .2  6 .8  0 .3  2 .3 
Keene  5 .1  0 .8  0 .0  4 .1  1 .5  0 .0  6 .2  2 .9  0 .4  2 .2 
Ernest  10 .4  0 .0  0 .0  1 .8  0 .0  0 .0  2 .8  0 .7  0 .3  1 .5 
McNeal  11 .9  0 .0  0 .0  0 .0  0 .0  0 .0  3 .2  0 .0  0 .0  1 .5 
Sharp  0 .0  0 .0  2 .6  0 .0  5 .2  0 .9  0 .2  0 .1  1 .1  1 .2 
2371  0 .4  0 .0  0 .0  1 .4  0 .0  1 .3  3 .5  2 .3  0 .0  1 .1 
Verde  0 .0  0 .0  0 .5  0 .0  2 .1  0 .2  4 .6  0 .1  0 .0  1 .0 
Len  0 .0  0 .0  0 .0  6 .5  0 .2  0 .1  0 .3  2 .2  0 .0  0 .9 
Forge  0 .0  0 .0  1 .5  0 .0  0 .0  2 .4  0 .2  0 .0  1 .9  0 .9 
Other  7 .3  4 .9  8 .7  9 .1  9 .1  4 .0  4 .6  11 .0  4 .0  6 .8 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - Thousand Acres - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
2375  28 .2  83 .7  196 .6  70 .5  110 .0  490 .9  159 .4  106 .0  209 .4  1,454 .7 
Russ  13 .2  67 .7  210 .4  18 .6  166 .3  129 .0  10 .6  35 .1  167 .9  818 .8 
Amidon  109 .8  23 .6  0 .0  127 .4  35 .0  0 .0  17 .1  63 .7  3 .4  380 .0 
Gunner  24 .4  37 .2  206 .8  13 .5  27 .5  34 .1  7 .1  3 .1  0 .0  353 .7 
Oxen  0 .0  0 .0  33 .4  1 .6  27 .0  91 .9  16 .2  20 .3  157 .0  347 .4 
Grandin  70 .3  28 .5  19 .3  66 .1  6 .6  0 .8  96 .2  49 .3  8 .4  345 .5 
AC Barrie  14 .1  32 .6  162 .6  3 .2  11 .4  22 .0  0 .0  21 .7  1 .2  268 .8 
2398  15 .7  6 .1  0 .0  61 .0  1 .4  0 .0  144 .7  28 .4  7 .5  264 .8 
Butte 86  21 .0  10 .9  18 .3  7 .4  25 .6  5 .5  39 .5  36 .6  55 .0  219 .8 
Trenton  0 .0  20 .8  0 .6  22 .3  0 .0  0 .0  68 .6  19 .2  6 .0  137 .5 
Kulm  14 .4  0 .0  0 .0  25 .0  14 .6  0 .0  42 .3  35 .6  1 .9  133 .8 
Keene  24 .4  2 .7  0 .0  22 .3  7 .9  0 .0  50 .6  14 .9  2 .9  125 .7 
Ernest  49 .8  0 .0  0 .0  9 .6  0 .0  0 .0  22 .5  3 .8  1 .8  87 .5 
McNeal  57 .2  0 .0  0 .0  0 .0  0 .0  0 .0  26 .2  0 .0  0 .0  83 .4 
Sharp  0 .0  0 .0  25 .6  0 .0  27 .1  7 .3  1 .4  0 .5  7 .2  69 .1 
2371  1 .9  0 .0  0 .0  7 .5  0 .0  10 .8  28 .1  12 .1  0 .0  60 .4 
Verde  0 .0  0 .0  5 .1  0 .0  11 .1  2 .0  37 .6  0 .4  0 .0  56 .2 
Len  0 .0  0 .0  0 .0  35 .0  0 .9  0 .8  2 .5  11 .5  0 .0  50 .7 
Forge  0 .0  0 .0  14 .3  0 .0  0 .0  20 .2  1 .9  0 .0  12 .6  49 .0 
Other  35 .6  16 .2  87 .0  49 .0  47 .6  34 .7  37 .5  57 .8  27 .8  393 .2 
All Varieties  480 .0  330 .0  980 .0  540 .0  520 .0  850 .0  810 .0  520 .0  670 .0  5,700 .0 


Ben, a variety released in 1996, claimed the most popular durum wheat variety. It comprised 27.1 percent of the total durum acres, up from 4.9 percent in 1998. Coming on strong in the western part of the state, it was the leading variety in the northwest, west central, and southwest districts. Ben is characterized by medium height and maturity, strong straw strength, large kernel size, and high test weight.

After six years at the number one position, Renville fell to second place with 21.6 percent, down from 30.6 percent last year. It was planted throughout the state and was the leading variety in the east cental and southeast districts. Renville has tall height, medium straw strength, and medium maturity.

Monroe dropped to third from second, which it has held the past six years, accounting for 13.5 percent, down from 18.5 percent. Monroe is described as having medium straw strength, early maturity, and large kernel size.

Rugby maintained its fourth place position with 11.1 percent, up from 9.2 percent in 1998. It was the leading variety in the north central and central districts. With very strong straw strength, Rugby has tall height and medium-early maturity.

Durum Wheat Area Chart
Durum Wheat Pie Chart
Percent of Acreage Planted, North Dakota, 1995-99 
Variety  1995  1996  1997  1998  1999 
Pct.  Acres 
- - - - - - - - Percent - - - - - - - -  (000) 
Ben  0 .0  0 .0  0 .4  4 .9  27 .1  960 .4 
Renville  32 .6  35 .7  34 .2  30 .6  21 .6  767 .4 
Monroe  25 .3  28 .0  30 .7  18 .5  13 .5  481 .0 
Rugby  9 .3  7 .4  7 .6  9 .2  11 .1  393 .5 
Munich  0 .0  0 .9  3 .6  6 .7  9 .8  346 .4 
Kyle  1 .4  3 .5  4 .4  10 .4  7 .1  251 .4 
Vic  7 .2  5 .9  5 .0  5 .8  2 .6  93 .4 
Plenty  6 .5  3 .6  4 .4  5 .0  2 .2  78 .7 
Medora  7 .1  8 .5  4 .5  2 .6  1 .2  44 .2 
Sceptre  1 .7  1 .0  0 .5  0 .5  0 .8  30 .1 
Belzer  0 .0  0 .0  0 .0  0 .1  0 .6  21 .1 
Voss  0 .0  0 .2  0 .5  0 .1  0 .4  14 .0 
Mountrail  0 .0  0 .0  0 .0  0 .0  0 .4  13 .8 
Fjord  1 .7  1 .8  0 .9  1 .6  0 .3  11 .2 
Other  7 .2  3 .5  3 .3  4 .0  1 .3  43 .4 
All Varieties  100 .0  100 .0  100 .0  100 .0  100 .0  3,550 .0 
Percent and Acreage Planted, North Dakota, 1999 
Variety  Northwest  North 
Northeast  West 
Central  East 
Southwest  South 
Southeast  State 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Percent Planted - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
Ben  26 .4  18 .5  19 .6  46 .7  13 .4  17 .8  58 .5  5 .1  21 .1  27 .1 
Renville  20 .9  13 .5  21 .6  22 .1  22 .4  42 .2  13 .1  18 .4  44 .0  21 .6 
Monroe  21 .0  7 .5  0 .6  21 .0  9 .2  2 .1  4 .8  12 .6  6 .9  13 .5 
Rugby  0 .5  39 .7  22 .1  0 .0  42 .9  25 .6  2 .8  0 .0  3 .8  11 .1 
Munich  4 .8  9 .8  28 .6  1 .1  8 .8  9 .1  1 .8  20 .9  10 .2  9 .8 
Kyle  15 .0  4 .1  0 .4  0 .0  1 .8  0 .0  0 .0  0 .0  12 .2  7 .1 
Vic  5 .7  0 .0  0 .1  0 .0  0 .0  2 .8  3 .9  0 .0  0 .6  2 .6 
Plenty  2 .2  1 .1  0 .0  3 .3  0 .0  0 .0  0 .0  33 .9  0 .0  2 .2 
Medora  0 .7  0 .9  0 .0  1 .5  0 .0  0 .0  14 .3  0 .0  0 .0  1 .2 
Sceptre  0 .0  0 .0  4 .7  0 .0  0 .0  0 .0  0 .0  0 .0  0 .0  0 .8 
Belzer  0 .1  2 .7  1 .2  0 .3  1 .4  0 .4  0 .0  0 .0  0 .0  0 .6 
Voss  0 .2  0 .0  0 .0  2 .2  0 .0  0 .0  0 .0  0 .0  0 .0  0 .4 
Mountrail  0 .8  0 .0  0 .0  0 .0  0 .0  0 .0  0 .4  0 .0  0 .5  0 .4 
Fjord  0 .7  0 .6  0 .0  0 .0  0 .0  0 .0  0 .0  0 .0  0 .0  0 .3 
Other  1 .0  1 .6  1 .1  1 .8  0 .1  0 .0  0 .4  9 .1  0 .7  1 .3 
All Varieties  100 .0  100 .0  100 .0  100 .0  100 .0  100 .0  100 .0  100 .0  100 .0  100 .0 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Thousand Acres - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
Ben  382 .2  50 .0  125 .6  224 .0  33 .5  14 .2  99 .4  4 .1  27 .4  960 .4 
Renville  302 .8  36 .5  138 .3  105 .9  55 .9  33 .8  22 .3  14 .7  57 .2  767 .4 
Monroe  304 .7  20 .3  3 .6  100 .6  22 .9  1 .7  8 .1  10 .1  9 .0  481 .0 
Rugby  7 .2  107 .3  141 .5  0 .0  107 .2  20 .5  4 .8  0 .0  5 .0  393 .5 
Munich  69 .5  26 .4  183 .2  5 .1  22 .0  7 .3  3 .0  16 .7  13 .2  346 .4 
Kyle  217 .1  11 .2  2 .7  0 .0  4 .6  0 .0  0 .0  0 .0  15 .8  251 .4 
Vic  82 .9  0 .0  0 .9  0 .0  0 .0  2 .2  6 .6  0 .0  0 .8  93 .4 
Plenty  32 .5  3 .1  0 .0  16 .0  0 .0  0 .0  0 .0  27 .1  0 .0  78 .7 
Medora  10 .1  2 .5  0 .0  7 .3  0 .0  0 .0  24 .3  0 .0  0 .0  44 .2 
Sceptre  0 .0  0 .0  30 .1  0 .0  0 .0  0 .0  0 .0  0 .0  0 .0  30 .1 
Belzer  1 .0  7 .3  7 .8  1 .2  3 .5  0 .3  0 .0  0 .0  0 .0  21 .1 
Voss  3 .6  0 .0  0 .0  10 .4  0 .0  0 .0  0 .0  0 .0  0 .0  14 .0 
Mountrail  12 .3  0 .0  0 .3  0 .0  0 .0  0 .0  0 .6  0 .0  0 .6  13 .8 
Fjord  9 .5  1 .7  0 .0  0 .0  0 .0  0 .0  0 .0  0 .0  0 .0  11 .2 
Other  14 .6  3 .7  6 .0  9 .5  0 .4  0 .0  0 .9  7 .3  1 .0  43 .4 
All Varieties  1,450 .0  270 .0  640 .0  480 .0  250 .0  80 .0  170 .0  80 .0  130 .0  3,550 .0 


Roughrider held the top position of winter wheat varieties for the twenty-first year with 25.4 percent, down from 31.0 percent in 1997 and 1998. Roughrider has medium maturity rate, medium-strong straw strength, and is rated as good quality.

Elkhorn inched out Seward for the number two variety with 19.2 percent, down from 23.7 percent. An average quality variety, Elkhorn is characterized by medium straw strength and medium maturity.

Falling from second to third place after two consecutive years, Seward accounted for 19.0 percent, down from 27.4 last year.
It is described as having medium maturity, medium height, and medium-strong straw strength.

Arapahoe ranked fourth with 13.4 percent, up from 12.1 in 1998. It has medium maturity, medium straw strength, and medium height.

Winter Wheat Pie Chart
Percent of Acreage Planted, North Dakota, 1995-99 
Variety  1995  1996  1997  1998  1999 
Pct.  Acres 
- - - - - - - - Percent - - - - - - - -  (000) 
Roughrider  44 .0  49 .5  31 .0  31 .0  25 .4  12 .7 
Elkhorn  0 .0  1 .3  13 .8  23 .7  19 .2  9 .6 
Seward  29 .0  20 .6  29 .8  27 .4  19 .0  9 .5 
Arapahoe  9 .0  26 .8  20 .5  12 .1  13 .4  6 .7 
Other  18 .0  1 .8  4 .9  5 .8  23 .0  11 .5 
All Varieties  100 .0  100 .0  100 .0  100 .0  100 .0  50 .0 
 ~ Compiled and Published by ~
N.D. Agricultural Statistics Service, USDA
P.O. Box 3166, Fargo, ND 58108-3166 * 701-239-5306

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