nd-crops NEWS RELEASE Soybean Varieties September 4, 2003 2003 NORTH DAKOTA SOYBEAN VARIETIES Over 350 soybean varieties were reported planted on the 3.10 million acres in North Dakota this year. Herbicide resistant varieties were planted on 74 percent of North Dakota's soybean acreage, compared to 10.5 percent in 1999. Public varieties were planted on 8.6 percent of the acreage, down from the 19.6 and 32.2 percent in 1999 and 1994, respectively. In contrast, privately developed varieties planted increased to 91.4 percent of the acres. Sixteen private soybean developers had their varieties planted on one percent or more of North Dakota's soybean acreage. Five years ago nine private seed developers met that level. North Dakota soybean acreage has substantially grown within the last decade. Soybeans now cover 3.10 million acres of North Dakota's cropland, compared to 640,000 acres in 1994. Soybean production was forecasted at 101 million bushels as of August 1, 2003, a 16 percent increase over last year's record setting 86.8 million bushels. Private Varieties The top seven planted soybean varieties in the state were privately developed. The top variety was Asgrow AG0801, accounting for 8.3 percent of the planted acreage. Pioneer Hybrids held spots two through six with varieties 90B51, 90B74, 90B11, 91B03 and 9071, respectively. In seventh was Dekalb DKB06-51 covering 2.0 percent of the planted acreage. Pioneer 9071, with 2.5 percent of the seeded acreage, was the only conventional variety to reach the top seven. Five years ago, Pioneer 9071 was the leading variety planted, with 26.4 percent of the state's soybean acreage. Pioneer developed soybeans accounted for 22.3 percent of North Dakota soybean acreage, compared to 42.2 percent in 1999. Public Varieties Jim was the leading public variety planted in 2003, with 1.9 percent of the total planted acreage. The herbicide resistant RG200RR, at 1.7 percent, placed second ahead of Traill, at 1.4 percent, to finish out the top three publicly developed varieties. In 1999, Traill was the leading public variety as well as number two overall with 4.4 percent of the planted acres. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Doug Hartwig, State Statistician North Dakota Agricultural Statistics Service NDSU, IACC Bldg., Room 448 P.O. Box 3166 Fargo, ND 58108-3166 Telephone: (701) 239-5306 E-Mail: nass-nd@nass.usda.gov Internet: http://www.nass.usda.gov/nd/