nd-livestock New Release Milk Production October 17, 2005 July-September Milk Production North Dakota Milk production in North Dakota during the July-September quarter totaled 132 million pounds, according to the USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service, North Dakota Field Office. Production decreased 3 million pounds from the April-June quarter and 2 million pounds from last year's July-September quarter. The average number of milk cows during the quarter was 32,000, down 1,000 from last quarter and 2,000 from the July-September 2004 quarter. Milk produced per cow during the quarter averaged 4,110 pounds, up from 4,100 pounds last quarter and 3,950 pounds last year. United States Milk production in the U.S. during the July-September quarter totaled 44.0 billion pounds, up 4.2 percent from the July-September quarter last year. The average number of milk cows in the U.S. during the quarter was 9.05 million head, 27,000 head more than the same period last year. Production per cow during the quarter averaged 4,862 pounds, up from 4,679 pounds during the same period last year. Milk Cows and Production, July - September Quarter Milk Cows 1/ Milk Production 2/ Change from State 2004 2005 2004 2005 2004 - - 1,000 Head - - - Million Pounds - Percent North Dakota 34 32 134 132 -1.5 California 1,733 1,763 9,133 9,360 2.5 Minnesota 465 453 1,984 2,018 1.7 New York 655 648 2,907 3,053 5.0 Wisconsin 1,240 1,236 5,541 5,829 5.2 United States 9,027 9,054 42,239 44,024 4.2 1/ Includes dry cows, excludes heifers not yet fresh. 2/ Excludes milk sucked by calves. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: David Knopf, Director USDA, NASS, North Dakota Field Office NDSU, IACC Bldg., Room 448 P.O. Box 3166 Fargo, ND 58108-3166 Telephone: (701) 239-5306 E-Mail: nass-nd@nass.usda.gov Internet: http://www.nass.usda.gov/nd/