Papers/Presentations |
Paper |
Presentation |
Keynote Speaker: |
"New Challenges
in Agricultural Statistics" - Haluk
Kasnakoglu (FAO) |
"Good Indicators
are Hard to Find" - Susan Offutt (USDA-ERS) |
Morning Sessions |
Day 1 (Nov 2) 11:30 - 1:00 p.m. Room 1 |
Paper |
Presentation |
Data Requirements for Rural Development Indicators |
1 |
"Tracing Management Systems " (Alberto Zuloaga) |
2 |
"Socio-Economic Information in the Rural Sector" (Javier Suárez) |
3 |
"Conceptual Design of a Geospatial
Information Solution for the Rural Sustainable Development in the County Level" |
Day 1 (Nov 2) 11:30 - 1:00 p.m., Room 2 |
Paper |
Presentation |
It Makes a Difference: Household versus Farm as a Unit of Measurement |
1 |
"New Opportunities for Economic
Assessment of Rural Households in |
2 |
"Measurement and Analysis of Rural Household
Income in a Dualistic Economy: The Case of |
3 |
"Policy Analysis with Integrated Rural/Farm
Household Data for the |
Day 1 (Nov 2) 11:30 - 1:00 p.m., Room 3 |
Paper |
Presentation |
Contributed Paper Session for Topic 1 |
1 |
"Qualitative Approach to Measure the Public Understanding of Agricultural Practices and Technologies" |
2 |
"Applying Statistical Methods in the Agricultural Research Work" |
3 |
"Gender Concerns in Agricultural Census
in Africa" |
4 |
"A Prediction Approach to Agricultural Land Use Estimation Using A High- Resolution Spatial Model of Land Use Dynamic"(Ambrosio L., Marin C., Iglesias L.) |
5 |
"The Social Property in Mexico" (Jaime de la Llata) |
Afternoon Sessions |
Day 1 (Nov 2) 2:30 - 4:30 p.m., Room 1 |
Paper |
Presentation |
Labor Force in Rural Areas - Concept and Methodology |
1 |
"Measuring the Labor Force in Brazilian
Rural Areas: Problems and Possibilities of IBGE's Statistics" |
2 |
"Measurement of Rural Labour Force
in Poland" |
3 |
"Issues in Integrating Labour's Dual Roles of Input to Production and Social Resource" (Berkeley Hill, Federico Perali, Cristina Salvioni) |
Day 1 (Nov 2) 2:30 - 4:30 p.m., Room 2 |
Paper |
Presentation |
Income and Employment of the Rural Household |
1 |
"Survey on Household Income and Work Force in Rural China" (Zhu Xiangdong) |
2 |
"Farms Multifunctionality, Households Incomes and Sustainable Rural Development" (Marco Ballin, Andrea Manzini and Eduardo Pizzoli) |
3 |
"Information Needs for Policy Evaluation: The Example of Income Objectives of Agricultural Policies in OECD Countries" (Catherine Moreddu) |
4 |
"Key Issues for a Better Measurement of Income and Employment" (Berkeley Hill) |
Topic 2: International Standards and Methodology for Agriculture and Rural Statistics |
Paper |
Keynote Speaker: |
and Suggestions for Improving Agricultlural and Rural Statistics in
Developing Countrys - Isodora
P. David (Ret.
ADB) |
Morning Sessions |
Day 2 (Nov 3) 11:15 - 12:45 p.m. Room 1 |
Paper |
Presentation |
Strategies for Developing a National System of Agriculture and Rural Statistics |
1 |
"Rural Sector Statistical Information System (RSSIS): Philippine Experience " (Romeo S. Recide) |
2 |
"Integrated Framework for the Development of Agricultural Statistics in Uganda" (Magezi-Apuuli) |
3 |
"National Strategies for the Development
of Statistics and their Expected Impact on Agricultural and Rural Statistics" |
Day 2 (Nov 3) 11:15 - 12:45 p.m. Room 2 |
Paper |
Presentation |
New Development in Census Methodologies |
1 |
"Lessons Learned from the 2002 General Agricultural Census in Romania" (Ilie Dumiteseu) |
2 |
"Agricultural Censuses in Latin America and the Caribbean: Some Lessons from Experience" (Miguél Galmes) |
3 |
"Hanging in the Balance: Using Technology Without Losing Touch in the Canadian Census of Agriculture" (Claire Bradshaw and Cathy Cromey) |
4 |
"The World Census of Agriculture 2010 Programme: a Modular Approach" (Hiek Som and Jack Colwell) |
Day 2 (Nov 3) 11:15 - 12:45 p.m. Room 3 |
Paper |
Presentation |
Contributed Paper Session for Topic 2 |
1 |
"The Challenge of Sample Design During Civil War" (Luka Biong Deng) |
2 |
"All Russia Agricultural Census 2006" (Konstantin Laykam and Alexandra Epikhina) |
3 |
"Statistics New Zealand's Business Frame: Its Use and Problems Faced in Maintenance " (Andrew Hunter) |
4 |
"A New Approach to Improving Sample Design for Crop Forecast and Post Harvest Estimates in Zambia " (John Kalumbi) |
5 |
"GPS Equipment for Agricultural Statistics Surveys: Lessons Learned from Fieldwork in Uganda" (Magezi-Apuuli, E. Menyha, E.S.K. Muwanga-Zake and P. Schonin) |
Afternoon Sessions |
Day 2 (Nov 3) 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. Room 1 |
Paper |
Presentation |
The Innovative Use of Surveys and Censuses - Practical Solutions to Today's Challenges |
1 |
"Challenges to Agriculture Statistics in an Environment of Government Restraint" (Allan Nicholls and Jim Williams) |
2 |
"Restructuring the System of Agricultural Statistics in Hungary" (Eva Laczka) |
3 |
"Improving Cost/Effectiveness and Relevance of Agricultural Censuses in Africa: Linking Population and Agricultural Censuses" (Naman Keita) |
Day 2 (Nov 3) 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. Room 2 |
Paper |
Presentation |
The Innovative Use of Surveys and Censuses - Applications in Frame Development and Sampling |
1 |
"New Approaches to Building Sampling Frames for Agricultural Surveys in Mexico" (Rubén Castilla Casillas) |
2 |
"Statistical Methods and Data Analysis for a National Sample Census In Ecuador" (Victor Hugo Buchelli and Barbara Rater) |
3 |
"On the Use of Auxiliary Variables in Agricultural Surveys Design" (Roberto Bennedetti, Giuseppe Espa and Federica Piersimoni) |
4 |
"Improvements of Sample Design for Rural Statistical Surveys in China" (Xian Zude and Michael Steiner) |
Day 2 (Nov 3) 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. Room 3 |
Paper |
Presentation |
Methodology and New Techniques for Statistical Systems |
1 |
"Metadata Driven Integrated Statistical Data Management System" (Karlis Zeila) |
2 |
"PC-Axis Family Software - A Consortium for Dissemination of Statistics" (Lars Nordback) |
3 |
"FAOSTAT2 Project: Revising the Conceptual Statistics Frameworks, Underlying Statistical Methodologies, Database System and Processes" (Robert Mayo) |
4 |
"Utilization of Remotely Sensed Data and Geographical Information Systems for Agricultural Statistics in the United States and the European Union" (George Hanuschak and Jacques Delincé) |
Keynote Speaker:
Poverty and Hunger" - Kevin
Cleaver (World Bank) |
"Expert Panel
on Statistical Capacity Building" - Fred
Vogel (World Bank) |
Morning Sessions |
Day 3 (Nov 4) 11:30 - 1:00 p.m. Room 1 |
Paper |
Presentation |
Measuring Rural Poverty and Hunger (MDG1) |
1 |
"Poverty Monitoring in Rural China " (Xian Zude) |
2 |
"Income Poverty and Hunger in Asia: The Role of Information" (Steven R. Tabor, Shilo Chatterjee and Brahm Prakash) |
3 |
"Integrating Rural Household Surveys" (Fred Vogel) |
Day 3 (Nov 4) 11:30 - 1:00 p.m. Room 2 |
Paper |
Presentation |
Contributed Paper Session for Topic 3 |
1 |
"Measurement of Food Deprivation" (Jorge Mernies) |
2 |
"Rural Poverty in Peru" (Ursula Sanchez Gamarra) |
Day 3 (Nov 4) 11:30 - 1:00 p.m. Room 3 |
Paper |
Presentation |
Contributed Paper Session - General |
1 |
"General Linear Models in Small Area Estimation: An Assessment in Agricultural Surveys" (Carlo Russo, Massimo Sabbatini and Renato Salvatore) |
2 |
"Area Frames for Land Cover Estimation: Improving the European LUCAS Survey" (Javier Gallego) |
3 |
"Surface, Production and Yield Estimation National Program (PRONESPRE)" (Rosario Peyrot and Rubén de la Sierra) |
4 |
"Using Small Area Models to Estimate the Total Area Occupied by Olive Trees" (Militni, A.F., Ugarte, M.D. and Goicoa, T.) |
Topic 4: Environmental Sustainability, Food Safety, Animal Health, and Social Welfare |
Afternoon Sessions |
Day 3 (Nov 4) 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. Room 1 |
Paper |
Presentation |
Measuring Social Welfare and Environmental Sustainability |
1 |
"Education and Employment Perspectives for Mexican Rural Youth" (Edwin Van Gameren and Silvia Urbina Hinojosa) |
2 |
"Integrated Economic and Environmental Accounting for Agriculture" (Etiene Verhaegen, Hilde Wustenberghs, Ludwig Lauwers and Eric Mathijs) |
3 |
"Towards the Integration of Statistical Information Systems to Monitor the Sustainable Use of Water Resources" (Giorgio D'Amore) |
Day 3 (Nov 4) 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. Room 2 |
Paper |
Presentation |
Measuring Agriculture |
1 |
"Challenges of Adapting the Slovenian National Statistical System of Agriculture Concerning European and Other International Requirements" (Barbara Kutin) |
2 |
"Striving for Continuity and Comparability in Agricultural Statistics - A National Experience" (Ole Osvald Moss) |
3 |
"List Frames, Area Frames and Administrative Data - Are They Complementary or In Competition? " (Elisabetta Carfagna) |
4 |
"Market Information Services' Contribution to the Competitiveness of the Agricultural Sector" (Segio Carrera) |
Day 3 (Nov 4) 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. Room 3 |
Paper |
Presentation |
Contributed Paper Session for Topic 4 |
1 |
"An Analytical Study of the Perceptions, Prevention Strategies, Treatment and Economic Impact of Equine West Nile Virus" (Robert Galvan, Antonio Rene, S. Bae and K.P. Singh) |
2 |
"Animal Health, Food Safety and the Information Requirements - the Case of BSE in Canada" (Michael Trant) |
3 |
"Agricultural and Environmental Indicators and Models" (Rubén de la Sierra and Rosario Peyrot) |
4 |
"Sample Size Requirements for Stratified Random Sampling of Agricultural Run Off Pollutants in Pond Water with Cost Considerations Using a Bayesian Methodology" (A.A. Bartolucci, S.J. Bae, B. Galván and K.P. Singh) |
Conference WRAP-UP — Fred Vogel (World Bank) |